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Geoffrey Hodson, Retreats and UFO Bases

In several blog posts I have referred to the extraordinary clairvoyant Theosophist Geoffrey Hodson (1886-1983). He is the author of over fifty titles on Theosophy, psychic powers, spiritualism, meditation and many other subjects. Perhaps best known for his clairvoyant studies of nature spirits and devas. Volumes that should be studied by every ufologist and investigator of paranormal phenomena. In 1988 a very unique book was compiled and published by his second wife Sandra Hodson, Light of the Sanctuary. The Occult Diary of Geoffrey Hodson. In this diary I have found some interesting comments on the secret retreats of the Planetary Guardians or Adepts. Comments that may also be associated with the reports and claims of UFO bases on Earth. I have received valuable data for this blog from Bill Keidan, New Zealand, a pupil of Geoffrey Hodson, who also maintain an excellent website about the life and writings of Hodson.

Geoffrey Hodson 1953

Geoffrey Hodson was, according to his diary, in contact with several of the adepts belonging to the Planetary Guardians. Having an inquisitive mind he often asked them to clarify various issues and mysteries. The problem of how the adepts could keep their retreats around the globe undiscovered comes up several times in the diary. The answers are quite fascinating:

”28 March 1976. None, no one, can see, find, visit either Ourselves or Our retreats against Our wills… This intrusion, My son, into Our personal privacy and that of the Government of the Brotherhood as a whole, is forbidden and with such potency that the greatest of the inventions of scientists of today and tomorrow cannot enable one single person to enter Our realms against Our wishes.”
( Light of the Sanctuary, p. 281).

”22 May 1977. Geoffrey asked the Master how They, the Adepts, preserve the privacy of Their homes and Themselves, even against aerial photography. The Master answered at once: By a deflection of light, just as when a qualified yogi makes himself or herself, invisible as did H.P.B… The Altyn Tagh Retreat is similarly preserved, as also are all Our Retreats throughout the world and by the same methods will continue so to be preserved; likewise the physical bodies of certain of Us… Needless to say, a physical appearance to a collaborator, as once to yourself, is always possible and permissible. Thus, Our Valley is still Ours and undisturbed as you have experienced many times, and this also will continue as long as needed, whether by ourselves or by Our successors.” 
(Light of the Sanctuary, pp. 356-357).

”22 July 1979. Geoffrey was wondering how the Masters can remain undiscovered in the modern world of aeroplanes and modern aerial cameras and equipment used for scanning terrain and mountainous areas "The Adepts have powers of which you little dream. They can make a group of homes appear like a bare landscape."
(Light of the Sanctuary, pp. 444-445).

There are often references to hidden retreats in the writings of Blavatsky and many of the early theosophists. We also find many comments on ”safe reteats” and ”protected areas” in the books by Alice Bailey. In theosophist Henry Steele Olcott´s Old Diary Leaves, Second Series, is presented an intriguing experience of a visit to such a secret place of the Adepts. In connection with this visit Olcott comments on their hidden archives:
"All the buried ancient libraries, and those vast hoards of treasure which must be kept hidden until its Karma requires its restoration to human use, are, she said, protected from discovery by the profane, by illusory pictures of solid rocks, unbroken solid ground, a yawning chasm, or some such obstacle, which turns aside the feet of the wrong men, but which Mâyâ dissolves away when the predestined finder comes to the spot in the fullness of time." (p. 45).

Now compare these data on retreats in esoteric literature with the experiences of UFO contactee Enrique Castillo Rincon from Costa Rica. They are documented in UFOs. A Great New Dawn for Humanity (1997). In the preface he states: "I am not a mystic nor a religious fanatic... Neither have I considered myself a "chosen one" to save humanity, and I detest those "contactees" who pretend to have been appointed by some divinity to carry some message to the suffering and almost disgraced human race...Over twenty years have passed and I still don´t know why I was contacted. Was it plain chance?... Why was an individual belonging to the "sandwich-class" (middle-class), such as myself, assigned such an "ungrateful" task as this one, which has meant jeers, calumnies, epithets, and nick-names against my person and my dignity?" 

Enrique meet a businessman, Cyril Weiss, of Swiss nationality and they become friends. Later he encounters this man aboard a UFO, as he actually belongs to an advanced group of extraterrestrials trying to help Earth. Enrique is taken to their secret retreat or base in the Andes and given this information: "From antiquity, we have contacted other men, belonging to various cultures. We have influenced their thinking through what you call "Masters". But not only on this planet, also on others; we have contributed to their scientific, cultural and spiritual development. Besides, some of us have been "born" here, or incarnated, if you prefer, since ancient times... We do not explore your planet, because we have had bases here for thousands of years... We belong to an organization that gives assistance to the Planet, and we have always been present."
(pp. 59, 61, 63)

Several of the early 1950s contactees hinted at behind the lines cooperation between the Planetary Guardians and extraterrestrials visitors. Here a quote from American contactee Howard Menger´s book From Outer Space To You (1959): "There are also spacecraft, though of inferior design, which are built by people of this planet. These people are in communication and in service with people from other planets. They are people who possess a high spiritual understanding and have reached an awareness of natural law; therefore they have been entrusted with information enabling them to construct such craft." (p. 159).

Esotericist John McCoy commented on this cooperation in UFOs Confidential, written in collaboration with contactee George Hunt Williamson: ”The spacecraft that are appearing today are under the direction of the hierachy of their own planets and are working in close harmony with the masters and mystery schools on Earth… Today many UFOs are seen in the areas of the Earth where these schools are located – away from the outer world.” (p. 70).

I have also frequently quoted this reference from deep trance medium Mark Probert regarding cooperation between alien visitors and the Planetary Guardians or the Hierarchy: ”There is a certain secret work going on at present between the Etherians and certain high earth authorities (You understand, I suppose, that I do not use the word ”high” in the usual sense. I am referring to those belonging to some of the secret Lodges on Earth). This work has to do with the great possibility of the Earth´s destruction… These men have landed in Australia in a secret landing field. They have not only been to Scotland, but to high authorities in England, and to a few of your men and women here of high standing (I refer to the secret Orders).” (Seance Memoranda From the Inner Circle, November 28, 1951, p. 30).

Mark Probert

George Adamski stated that as a young man he had travelled to a secret school in Tibet, receiving six years of special instruction and education for his coming mission with the space people. According to Glenn Steckling, Adamski was actually flown to a hidden UFO base in Tibet, used by the space people. I have always regarded these claims with grave doubts, but perhaps they are not so far-fetched after all.

Readers of my blog will of course notice the connection between these data and the Esoteric Intervention Theory. In common with UFO researchers Allen Hynek and Jacques Vallee I have one foot in empirical science, critical investigation and one foot in the Esoteric Tradition. From this vantage point or paradigm I have advanced the theory that some of the physical UFO contactees of the 1950s were involved in a cultural and psychological influence test. An experiment implemented by a group of benevolent aliens, earth based or extraterrestrial, a group with access to highly advanced “vimana” technology. This test was done in co-operation with the custodians of the Ancient Wisdom (Higher Intelligence Agency), using a new type of phenomena as attraction as they used spiritualist phenomena in connection with the founding of the Theosophical Society in 1875.

To determine whether this version of the Esoteric Intervention Theory is tenable and will stand the test of time and critical analysis, much further research is required. Investigation and documentation of empirical evidence coupled with an advanced and serious study of the Esoteric Tradition. This is an intellectual challenge for the coming generation of open-minded researchers who enter the domain of ”forbidden science”.

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