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The Frank Howard Enigma


In my latest blog entry I briefly mentioned the Australian contactee Frank Howard. Very little is known or published about his life and contact experiences. None of my Australian research colleagues has been able to provide further data.  As usual I have to conclude that another fascinating contactee has been neglected and not investigated by the ufo research community.

There are four books by Frank Howard, published between 1976-1983: A Planetary Saga Almega (1976), Return of Alizantil (1976), Journey in Space with Alizantil (1978), An Extraterrestrial Message to the Nations(1983). Howard narrates his contacts and secret work with benevolent extraterrestrial visitors, who take him to their bases on the Moon and the Antarctic. He is also given a journey to an inner earth civilization.

Upon my first reading of the books I was inclined to regard them as fiction, inspired by the contactees of the 1950s era. But a lecture by Australian ufologist Martin Gottschall, at the 1996 Australian UFO conference, made me reconsider the case. Here a few quotes from the lecture:

”I got to know Frank Howard in the late 1970s through one of his books which the association had in its library. When I read it I was very impressed by the quality and content and discovered that he also lived in Brisbane and the address was in the book so I went to see him. And that is how I came to visit Howard on very regular intervals for a period of several years.

I wish to speak about a particular meeting he (Bob Luckoff) had with a certain individual in Frank´s home which in my mind suggests very strongly that Frank Howards´ home was a place where ETs visiting this planet found refuge when they needed it… or friendly conversation.

I don´t remember how Bob Luckoff came to know Frank Howard. He too started meeting Frank at regular intervals and sit down on Sunday afternoons and talk about the cosmos and other such things. It happened on one occasion that Bob was at Frank´s place and Frank was visited by a another man. This man was unusual in that his skin was covered with what looked like warts from a distance. Every visible millimeter of skin was… When he shook hands with this individual and felt the back of his hand there wasn´t … they were very smooth. Like very smooth silk.”

Very smooth hands, seemingly without underlying bone structure is a feature that comes up in several contactee cases, a. o. the Paul M. Vest experience in California 1953. Besides this statement in the Frank Howard story there is very little empirical evidence making it possible to determine the validity of his claims. We can then only try to evaluate the intellectual and philosophical quality of the messages given in the books. When rereading the books I was quite surprised to find the philosophy presented by the visitors basically in accordance with the core Esoteric Tradition (Helena P. Blavatsky, Alice Bailey, Henry T. Laurency a.o.). To me, as a longtime student of esotericism, this made the Frank Howard books deeply fascinating.

For the critical investigator to accept the esoteric worldview as a paradigm and working hypothesis most scholars would probably need some form of empirical data indicating a multiverse. For me the empirical evidence became obvious by investigating UFO and paranormal phenomena. But of course a bridge to esotericism could be found by researching a number of borderland phenomena: healing, out-of-body experiences, remote viewing, materializations etc. In my many blog entries I have tried to show that accepting esotericism as a working hypothesis does not imply irrationalism or a loss of intellectual integrity. UFO researchers such as Jacques Vallee and Allen Hynek have entertained similar ideas. The UFO community have much to learn by a study of the Esoteric Tradition. I predict many heureka moment for those who wish to follow this path in UFO research.

The Frank Howard books are a real challenge to read because of the poetic language and many repetitions. Interesting statements and messages becomes somewhat hidden among a mass of poetry. As a help for researchers I have extracted quotes on various themes and ideas and compiled them under different headings. Of special interest is a quote from the visitors that they use deception (misleading statements) to hide their real origin.


”Know that this, your little Planet,
Moves into those cosmic regions of the
great Galactic-Vortex
Where those rays which beam upon her must
bring rapid change within her that she shall
mature more fully
To a Higher state of being
And no longer be a School-room for
the lower-grade of pupils. For the
kindergarten classes.”
(A Planetary Saga Almega, p. 50)

”On this work entrusted to us
Which, as you´re aware, my brother,
is connected with warfare
Of all souls upon the Planet
Of ´Uranta´, ´Shan´ or ´Terra´
Or ´the Earth´, as many know it.”
(Return of Alizantil, p. 178-179)

”As we have already mentioned
In our early conversations
Earth has been, for many Ages
As a ´kindergarten´ Class-room
To the young evolving Spirits
Clothed in flesh, each time they entered
Each successive incarnation
To consolidate in Spirit
Lessons learned upon the Earth-plane.”
(Return of Alizantil, p. 184)

”But we have regrets in saying
That there are but few, if any,
Upon which the Leading Species
Intellectually have been
Showing such a hard and ruthless
Disregard for Other species
As upon this little Planet.”
(Journey in Space With Alizantil, p. 238)

Ancient Wisdom
”That we may bring, one step nearer
Interplaneatary contact
On a close and friendly basis
That the Wisdom of the Ages
Long forgotten by the masses
May again be learned and practiced
By the ones who are receptive.”
(Journey in Space With Alizantil, p. 229)


”By the time he´d finished speaking
Alizantil had the Space-craft
Sweeping over the Antarctic

Oh what priceless treasure
Lies beneath that frozen wasteland
Soon to be revealed, Manelda,
With the changing of the Axis
When the tropic-Sun shall slowly
Melt those countless billion tons, of
Ice, into the raging torrents
That shall sweep into the Oceans,
To reveal the buried cities
Built in time now long forgotten
By the peoples of this Planet”
(Return of Alizantil, p. 172)

”May I say, our destination
Is a Base, beneath the ice-cap
Of the Great South land, Lenora
The ”Antarctic” as you´d call it.
And as this is but some minutes
From this Continent, Australia.”
(Journey in Space With Alizantil, p. 240-241)

”The remainder of our journey
To the secret point of entry

That there are within these regions
Areas of vegetation
Which could not survive in climates
Such as that which is existing
In this land of wind and blizzard.
(Journey in Space With Alizantil, p. 250-251)

”For we´ve yet to pay a visit
To the Base in the Antarctic”
(Journey in Space With Alizantil, p. 255)


”So it is, we see the reasons
Why the Brotherhood of beings,
Great White Brotherhood of ”angels”,
(if we may use this expression)
Come to you from lands afar-off,
Come to you in ”Ships from Heaven”
In your days of grief and chaos;
For they bring to you the Wisdom
That is known in higher places,
Bring the Peace of Christ, their Master
Bring the great live of Sananda
In the fleeting ships of Ashtar.
(A Planetary Saga Almega, p. 86)

”Ships did lift them out of danger,
High above the surging waters,
High above the world of chaos,
Taking them to lands selected
Each prepared and well protected,
As the waters rushed and swirled.
Unto these selected places
Came the Wise-ones of Atlantis
With the records and the knowledge
Gained and used throughout the Ages
By a nation since forgotten
In a retrogressing world.”
(A Planetary Saga Almega, p. 16)

”Are there many contact-Bases
On this planet, for the peoples
Who would come from Worlds afar-off

And we´re ´on the Beam, in progress
T´wards the nearest of the Bases
Lying deep beneath the Waters

”Way beneath those pipes, Manelda,
There´s a dome, of great proportions
Built to stand tremendous pressures

And within this dome, or bubble
On the bed benetath the ocean
You will find the living quarters
Of the ´staff´ as you might call the”
(Return of Alizantil, p. 171)

”From our present Lunar-Bases
And from those that are established
In the Earth´s secluded places
And deep down within the Oceans”
(Return of Alizantil, p. 187)

Caves, tunnels
”Deep beneath these mountain ranges
Lie great man-made caves and tunnels
In which, priceless ancient relics
Still remain in all their splendour
Far from prying eyes of vandals;
This is still a well-kept secret
For no person is permitted
To gain entrance to these places
Then return and speak to others
Of what he had just discovered;
Yet the time will come, my brother,
When these doors again shall open
And mankind again shall see the wisdom
In their age-long preservation.”
(Return of Alizantil, p. 174)

”Many many million people
Dwell within these inner caverns
In their towns and inner cities,
In environment that has been
Artificially created
Which produces certain plant life
Relevant to their requirements
As to food and other uses.
Many thousand miles of tunnels-
Roadways one might rightly call them
Now connect these dwelling places
Through which rapid transportation
”Venicles” I think you´d call them,
Travel deep below the oceans
And your continents and mountains.”

There are three distinctive places
As to Earthly habitation -
”Outer”, ”Inner” and ”Caverns”
Deept beneath the Planet´s surface.
Many UFO´s are sighted
Running into many thousands,
Some of which are craft and ”solid”
As to three-dimension substance;
Others are as apparitions
Non-symmetrial and hazy.”
(Journey in Space With Alizantil, p. 278)

Coming catastrophes
”Know that many major changes
Shall take place upon your Planet
In the months and years to follow,
Continents shall rise triumphant
From beneath the cleansing waters;
Some, quite suddenly, shall rise;
This shall throw the raising waters
On to many Coastal low-lands
To submerge your towns and cities.
Other lands, shall, too, go under.”
(A Planetary Saga Almega, p. 26)

”And we come and stand beside you,
Till the ”Word” which shall be given
Starts the Rescue operations
On a scale as yet unheard of
On the Earth, this little Planet,
Since the last days of Atlantis.”
(A Planetary Saga Almega, p. 129)

”From our present Lunar-Bases
And from those that are established
In the Earth´s secluded places
And deep down within the Oceans”

Many millions shall be lifted
From a Planet in convulsions
And brought swiftly to the quarters
Situated in these buildings;
Others shall be quickly taken
From one place upon the Planet
To a place of lesser danger
While the waters toss and jostle
And the wild-winds shriek and whistle”.
(Return of Alizantil, p. 187)

”Man will never be permitted
To destroy this little Planet
As was done in recent Ages
To the Planet known as ”Maaldek”
(Or as ”Lucifer” to others).”
(Journey in Space With Alizantil, p. 221)

”And the reasons WHY we happen
To be here upon this Planet
During this phase of existence

With this project of ”upliftment”
(Which we´d hoped would halt the downward
Trend, in time to save mankind from
Cataclyms and disaster)
Come from Other Worlds afar-off.
For here are also many
Great Souls from the Higher Spirit-
Realms, encircling this Planet
Who have chosen to incarnate
Down again into the body
of the substance of the Earth plane
That more positive assistence
May be given, when most needed.”
(Journey in Space With Alizantil, p. 226)

”Very soon dramatic changes
Shall take place uipon this Planet
Which shall cleanse the House completely
For the tenants who shall follow.
In the Age that is now dawning,
Blood shall cease to flow, my Brother.
(Journey in Space With Alizantil, (p. 302)

”Direct action shall be taken
in the form of intervention
as a last resort, Manelda,
when all other pleas and warnings
have been heard and then rejected

the evacuation programme
of those who have ben selected
shall be carried out in detail
with no ouside interference
from the war machines in motion
or from any other quarter.”
(An Extraterrestrial Message to the Nations, (p. 336)

Cooperation space people – planetary guardians
”Know that in your skies this moment
Are the Ships from Lands afar-off,
With their mission understood.
From the Planets of this System,
Venus, Saturn, and from Mar-sa,
Come your sisters and your brothers
These your Guardians and your helpers.
Working with the Heavenly Legion
Of the Great White Brotherhood.”
(A Planetary Saga Almega, p. 27)

Cosmic laws
”We by Law, are not permitted
To enforce our wills upon you, Nor to
be, to you, as crutches
Lest your legs become yet weaker, Lest
you do become as puppets with each
thought and act dictated, With your self-
reliance dwindling.”
(A Planetary Saga Almega, p. 61)

Destruction of Earth
”Man will never be permitted
To destroy this little Planet
As was done in recent Ages
To the Planet known as ”Maaldek”
(Or as ”Lucifer” to others).”
(Journey in Space With Alizantil, p. 221)

”As you have been told beforehand,
The complete annihilation
Of all Life upon this Planet
Or complete disintegration,
Shall, nor will not, be permitted;
For which there are many reasons.
”Long ago, the Planet ”Maaldek”
(´Lucifer´, the name given
In some ancient books and records):
Orbited beyond the orbit
Of the Planet known as ”Marsa”;
Then, because of foolish action
By its scientists and leaders,
It exploded into fragments
Thus precipitating millions
Of its animals and peoples
To beseech accomodation
Elsewhere in the local System
Many came into the Spirit-
Realms, which do surround this Planet
From which they have incarnated
To the physical or Earth plane.
(Journey in Space With Alizantil, p. 273)

”We have warned, and we have pleaded;
we have spoken to the leaders
of these large and warring nations

So our plans include such action
if, or when, the need arises
for Man shall NOT be permitted
to destroy his habitation
as a tenant of this Planet.

All precautions will be taken
to prevent release of forces
that could cause disintegration
of the Planet and her children.”
(An Extraterrestrial Message to the Nations, (p. 366-367)

Evil forces
”Certainly, there are those Peoples
Of the Inner and the Outer
Realms, who choose the path of Darkness”.
(Journey in Space With Alizantil, p. 273)

”Some there are, within this Planet
Who´ve descended from the ancients
Who survived the cataclysmic-
Changes through the distant Ages
And retain some of the knowledge
And the ”magic” of these Races
Yet, regreettably, in cases of
Moral standards and the  wisdom
To use this with great discretion
Has been lost, along the pathway
Of millenniums that followed.
”Good” and ”evil” as we´ve mentioned
Come in relative proportions.”

Yes, there are surely, Manelda,
Certain places on this Planet
From which emanate these forces,
Which perhaps one might refer to
As ”projection points of Darknes.”

From our Bases and equipment
We collect all information
Appertaining to the labours
Of the Dark or ”Evil” forces,
Operating under-cover
In the guise of benefactors
To the ones who follow blindly
Trails,  with signposts indicating
Wealth and power to all who venture
From the road of Love and Virtue.”
(Journey in Space With Alizantil, p. 289-290)

”But again, we must give credence
To the concept, that existing
There are two opposing forces-
That of Light, and that of Darkness
And with much regret and sadness
We mut say that infiltration
By the dark, or ”evil” forces
Into govermental places
Into Army, Air and Navy
Of most of the worldly nations
Is a fact, and has continued
On and on, throughout the ages
Causing dreadful pain and chaos,
And it makes us sad to mention
That these dark and evil forces
have become so well established
In some churches and religions
That some of the worst crimes ever
Have in truth been perpetrated
Under banners falsely stating
That they had the ”holy” sanction
Of the Universal Father.”
(Journey in Space With Alizantil, p. 295)

”But the tragic truth, Manelda,
is that much that should be given
to the People, whose subscriptions
finance the investigations,
has been kept in closely-guarded
vaults, aand other secret places,
for no other valid reason
than the fact that those in power
can control their ´puppets´only
by preventing truth and knowledge
from obtaining mass acceptance.”
(An Extraterrestrial Message to the Nations, (p. 310)

Flying Saucers, Vimanas
”Know that in your skies this moment
Are the Ships from Lands afar-off,
With their mission understood.
From the Planets of this System,
Venus, Saturn, and from Mar-sa,
Come your sisters and your brothers
These your Guardians and your helpers.
Working with the Heavenly Legion
Of the Great White Brotherhood.”
(A Planetary Saga Almega, p. 27)

Ancient flying ships – ”Vimanas” -
Used before the cataclysms
Are maintained and operating
Side by side with craft ”up-dated”.
By the use of modern methods
Of propulsion and ascension
So that they may travel freely
From the Inner to the Outerside,
From the Lands of ”myth” and ”legend”
Through the mysic Gates of ”Chin-vaat”,
Hidden right through the Ages
By perpetual cloud cover,
And protected from invasion.
(Journey in Space With Alizantil, p. 275-276)

There are three distinctive places
As to Earthly habitation -
”Outer”, ”Inner” and ”Caverns”
Deep beneath the Planet´s surface.
Many UFO´s are sighted
Running into many thousands,
Some of which are craft and ”solid”
As to three-dimension substance;
Others are as apparitions
Non-symmetrial and hazy.”
(Journey in Space With Alizantil, p. 278)

”There are, as we´ve said beforehand
The ”descendants of the ancients”
Living now beneath the surface
In the great labyrinth of caverns,
Then again, we have those Peoples
Of the hollow core or Centre.
Craft are used by certain Races
Of the caverns and the Centre,
Which one might indeed refer too
As ”outdated” in construction
And their methods of propulsion
Which includes the”jets” and rockets
And indeed, air-screw propellers,
None of which would take a space craft
On an interStellar journey.
(Journey in Space With Alizantil, p. 275-277)

”Governments have been concealing
information on these matters
from their people (their employers),
for a long, long time, Manelda

We have knows since their inception
of their ”secret” plans and projects,
so can say authoritatively
certain of the major countries
have for many years been working
on ´control of gravitation´
and construction of an ´aircraft´
or, to be precise, a Discoid-
type of craft that´s flown and guided
with no aerofoil-appendage
with which to control direction
and maintain its elevation

there are many types of ´objects´
seen around the local heavens -
and, of course, within the waters
of the Earth, by many people;
and of these, a minor portion
are experimental ´space-craft´,
the results of secret projects
funded by the mass of people
from whom the truth has been excluded.”
(An Extraterrestrial Message to the Nations, (p. 332)

”Then there are those many ´airships´
seen to fly in any weather
in the latter eighteen hundreds,
prior to experimental
flights by man´s own clumsy airships.
Crews who landed, spoke of ´testing´
their new airships, manufactured
in another town or country
which were, when investigated
found to be misleading statements.
Aktorelda, smiling, answered:
´this, of course is true, Manelda
and we must accept a portion
of the guilt for these excursions
to the outer world, as mentioned.

But perhaps of all these peoples,
those who would have greater reasons
for misleading surface humans
as to their identity and
place of domicile, we´ll call it
would be those whose homes and people
could feel threatened if invaded
by some warlike race or nation.
These, of course, include those people
who are now our hosts, Manelda,
plus the ones that live in caverns
deep beath the outer surface.”
(An Extraterrestrial Message to the Nations, (p. 358-360)

Frank Howard (Manelda)
”Inspirationally received, and perhaps unusual in its poetic presentation, this book seeks only to place before every sincere seeker the reason for Earth´s Creation, her past, present and future in relation to the wider Universe.”
(A Planetary Saga Almega, p. 1)

By the child, who laughed and frolicked
With invisible companions
So, as time rolled on, Manelda
Came to realize, that others
Did not all possess the hearing
Or the sight, he took for granted
And that he must use discretion
If he was to be considered
”Normal” and thus be accepted”
(Journey in Space With Alizantil, p. 206)

”… even the Universe itself is experimental: Spirit clothed in varying degrees of Matter, taking Form and learning by trial and error consciously to love all Life”
(A Planetary Saga Almega, p. 1.)

”Man succumbed to earth´s temptations.
On this planet, known as Shan”
(A Planetary Saga Almega, p. 6 )

”Certain vital information
must be given now, my Brother
to all people on this Planet
in the hope that those who hear it
will believe and act upon it,
to bring sanity and reason
in the place of fear and conflict.”
(An Extraterrestrial Message to the Nations, (p. 310)

”Now the ”Red-Alert” has sounded
right throughout the Solar System
and beyond, where now are gathered
Those Who Sit In Higher council
contemplating on the action
to be taken now, and later
to bring order out of chaos
and bring sanity and reason
in the place of degradation.”
(An Extraterrestrial Message to the Nations, (p. 311-312)

”People on the Earth at present
are, of course, a combination
of ´original´ Earth Peoples
plus those many tribes and races
carried here from other planets
many thousands, yes and millions
of Earth years ago, Manelda,
to fulfill a certain portion
of their Cosmic education.”

Some have gone through many hundred
incarnations on the Earthplane,
yet are still repeting errors
made in early incarnations.”
(An Extraterrestrial Message to the Nations, (p. 330-331)

Incarnated space people
”Grettings, one again, ´Manelda`,
For it is that we are Brothers
And have been, throughout the Ages
Meeting, parting and rejoicing
Coming, going, on our missions;
Take the hand of ´Alizantil`

And he saw the one before him
As a loved an trusted brother
With whom he had laughed and laboured
Long ago, before the present
Incarnation on the Planet.”
(Return of Alizantil, p. 140)

”Many of the Brothehood, are
Working incognito daily
In positions allocated
prior to this incarnation
In their present Earthly bodies
Even though a full awareness
Of their mission, and its purpose
May not, yet have reached the surface
Of the consciousness, restricted
By the senses of the body

Many of these mission-workers
have come here from other Planets
At this time, for special reasons
Some to incarnate as children

Others have been brought ´in body´
From those Planets, where conditions
Do resemble rather closely
Those encountered on the Earth-plane

They are brought in Craft, and taken
To some place, remote from cities
In the early-morn, if need be
At a time when most are sleeping
To be met by fellow-Workers
Who are already established
In the land of their adoption.”
(Return of Alizantil, p. 170-171)

”When you shall again rejoin us,
Join your sisters, and your brothers
Whom you chose to leave, Manelda
For a Season on the Earth-plane,
There to carry out your portion
Of the Plan, allotted to you”.
(Return of Alizantil, p. 189)

Inner Earth, Agharta
”Could you tell, Alizantil
Whether stories we´ve been hearing
Of an ”Inner Earth” are falsehoods,
Or are scientifically
Sound, and may be backed or founded
On realities existing?
”There is certain information
We may pass on at this moment”,
Alizantil said, replying
To the question of Manelda
”For the time is drawing closer
When mankind must know the answers
To these all.important questions;
Yes, there surely is an Inner-
World, within this little Planet
And although this fact is knowledge
To selected groups and leaders
Of the outer surface dwellers,
It has been a closely guarded
Secret, right down through the Ages
For some reasons quite apparent,
And for certain other reasons
Which would give to some, advantage
over those who had no knowledge
On this all-important subject
Great activity is centered
Round this Planet´s polar regions
By most of the major nations;
Who have well established Bases
Fitted with the best equipment
To be made by modern methods:
And we know this concentration
Of activity we speak of,
Is not for the special purpose
Of the study of the penguin
And its breeding grounds and habits.”
(Journey in Space With Alizantil, p. 257)

”Though it is for Alizantil
To reveal to you ”important”
Information, which when given
May astound so many people
On the ”Surface” of this planet
For these have been closely guarded
Secrets (should we say ”Arcana”)
Of established Arcane Orders
For a long, long time, Manelda.”
(Journey in Space With Alizantil, p. 271)

”This, the Inner Earth – the Garden
Is the home of many peoples
Who have lived in harmony and
Peace with others and with Nature,
And are more advanced in science,
Sociology and morals
Than the dwellers on the surface

How has this been kept the Secret
Of the ages, from the Peoples
Who have lived upon the surface?

”We shall take you and Lenora
On a short tour of inspection
Of the inner Earth tomorrow
Prior to again returning
To your home and to your people

Those who know of the existence
Of the Inner World, Manelda,
May have contemplated visits
But, except on rare occasions
The conditions they encountered
Force ”explorers” to abandon
All attempts at further progress
Whereas those the Inner dwellers
Who had lived for many ages
In the Lands of peace and Plenty,
Had retained the Ancient Wisdom,
For external cataclysms
Had not adverserly affected
Their environmental structure
In the way it had the Surface,
So their scientific knowledge
And their methods and procedures
Have continued making progress
Parallel to that of Spirit.
Ancient flying ships – ”Vimanas” -
Used before the cataclysms
Are maintained and operating
Side by side with craft ”up-dated”.
By the use of modern methods
Of propulsion and ascension
So that they may travel freely
From the Inner to the Outerside,
From the Lands of ”myth” and ”legend”
Through the mysic Gates of ”Chin-vaat”,
Hidden right through the Ages
By perpetual cloud cover,
And protected from invasion.

As millenniums rolled onwards,
Those who lived within this Planet
Held no fears of an invasion
By vice and profane corruption,
Of their Lands, and of their peoples,
But of recent years, their Leaders
Have viewed with much consternation
Rapid scientific progress
Being made in certain countries
Of the”short-lived” Surface dwellers.”
”Those who live inside the Planet
Have ten times the normal life span
Of those living on the surface.”
”As you have been told beforehand,
The complete annihilation
Of all Life upon this Planet
Or complete disintegration,
Shall, nor will not, be permitted;
For which there are many reasons.
”Long ago, the Planet ”Maaldek”
(´Lucifer´, the name given
In some ancient books and records):
Orbited beyond the orbit
Of the Planet known as ”Marsa”;
Then, because of foolish action
By its scientists and leaders,
It exploded into fragments
Thus precipitating millions
Of its animals and peoples
To beseech accomodation
Elsewhere in the local System
Many came into the Spirit-
Realms, which do surround this Planet
From which they have incarnated
To to the physical or Earth plane.
(Journey in Space With Alizantil, p. 275-276)

”On that which is emanating
From a tiny sun suspended
In the centre of this Planet.
(Journey in Space With Alizantil, p. 275-277)

”There are, as we´ve said beforehand
The ”descendants of the ancients”
Living now beneath the surface
In the great labyrinth of caverns,
Then again, we have those Peoples
Of the hollow core or Centre.
Craft are used by certain Races
Of the caverns and the Centre,
Which one might indeed refer too
As ”outdated” in construction
And their methods of propulsion
Which includes the”jets” and rockets
And indeed, air-screw propellers,
None of which would take a space craft
On an interStellar journey.
(Journey in Space With Alizantil, p. 275-277)

”Some, who live below the surface
Are what we might say are ”Mutants”,
Force to wear the ”cloak” or body
Brought about by certain causes
And effects, of wrongful usage
Of that which our God provided.”
(Journey in Space With Alizantil, p. 281)

”Lush with tree and vegetation
Unspoilt by the hand of vandals
As upon the Outer surface
See the villages and townships
Of some of the inner people

This most surely is that ”phantom”-
Land, beyond the Polar regions
Of which there are myths and legends
In most countries near the arctic

This most surely is the hidden
Land of never-ending twilight
For the central ”sun” your´re viewing
Does not radiate the brilliance
Of the Sun, seen on the Surface
But it never ”sets”, nor ”rises”.
”thus its constant radiation
Gives stability and constant
Moderation to the climate
Which is always mild and pleasant.”

And it is with apprehension
That they feel the earth´s convulsions
Knowing well the cause and causes.
So they cruise the Outer regions
Gathering all types of data
That might be of use in building
What you´d call, defensive measures
For emergency survival.”
(Journey in Space With Alizantil, p. 294-295)

”Aktorelda and his people
have good reasons for their feelings
of what must be apprehension,
for they know that certain nations
now have knowledge of these regions.”
(An Extraterrestrial Message to the Nations, (p. 360)

”So it was in distant ages
That another World did orbit
Round the Sun, which doth sustain you
”Lucifer” as some did call it.
And great troubles did befall it
On Fate´s ocean was it tossed

Man destroyed this lovely planet
In the moment of his folly -
The effects of war and hate

To be known as ”Asteroids”.
These now orbit in your System
Just beyond the path of ”Mar-sa”.
Remnants of a past Creation.”
(A Planetary Saga Almega, p. 9)

”Man will never be permitted
To destroy this little Planet
As was done in recent Ages
To the Planet known as ”Maaldek”
(Or as ”Lucifer” to others).”
(Journey in Space With Alizantil, p. 221)

”As you have been told beforehand,
The complete annihilation
Of all Life upon this Planet
Or complete disintegration,
Shall, nor will not, be permitted;
For which there are many reasons.
”Long ago, the Planet ”Maaldek”
(´Lucifer´, the name given
In some ancient books and records):
Orbited beyond the orbit
Of the Planet known as ”Marsa”;
Then, because of foolish action
By its scientists and leaders,
It exploded into fragments
Thus precipitating millions
Of its animals and peoples
To beseech accomodation
Elsewhere in the local System
Many came into the Spirit-
Realms, which do surround this Planet
From which they have incarnated
To to the physical or Earth plane.
(Journey in Space With Alizantil, p. 273)

”Look below within these ´craters´,
Do you see those domes in many?
These of course, have been constructed
For the use of those who travel
To these parts, from other Planets;
Some are used to ´house´ the Space-craft
Whilst the cargo is unloaded

Many of these dome-shaped structures
You will see are joined together
By a ´tube´, upon the surface.”
(Return of Alizantil, p. 176)

”Great communities are living
deep within the hollowed structure
of this seemingly deserted
moon, as you well know, Manelda,
as they do on other planets
of this local solar system;
which, of course, includes the planet
on which you have been residing
during this brief incarnation.”
(An Extraterrestrial Message to the Nations, (p. 341)

”You, yourself, must know, Manelda,
That the Soul of Man does function,
Consciously, on other levels
Than the Earth-plane of this Planet
And on each successive level
Going higher up the ladder,
It expresses through the body
Moulded, as it were, from substance
Of the atoms of that level
And appears as firm, and solid,
Relative to all around it.”
(Return of Alizantil, p. 141)

”You will know, that this dimension
On which we are manifesting
In this body, at this moment,
Is but one, a portion only
Of the great ´ascending-ladder`
Mentioned by the seers and the prophets.”
(Return of Alizantil, p. 157)

”That there is, throughout the Cosmos
An ´ascending-scale´ of progess,
Numerous vibation-levels
Merging interpenetrating
With each one within its limits
Of cohesion, as to ´matter ´.
On each ´vibratory-level´
Many worlds and many peoples
Are as ´solid´ to each other,
As from Earth, the Moon and Planets
Are as solids, to each other.”
(Return of Alizantil, p. 1158-159)

”There are Worlds beyond description;
On those levels of Dimension
Quite outside vibration limits
Of the Earth plane of this Planaet
(Not responsive to the senses
Of the ”physical” in body);
Though those who live upon them
Everything is real and solid
In relation to each other.
This is something that the Peoples
Of the Earth must now consider
Not as a ”possibility”, but
As Reality existing.”
(Journey in Space With Alizantil, p. 239)

Planetary Guardians, Planetary Hierarchy
”In the High Celestial Heavens
Guardians of the Earth held Council
In the days when help was needed.”
(A Planetary Saga Almega, p. 6)

”Looking on the World around them
These the Elders of Atlantis
Earthly guardians of the Secrets,
Saw the folly of revealing
To a world as yet in darkness
What could not be understood
So they Build in quiet places
Far removed from those around them,
Buildings in the mountain ranges
Where no man by force could enter
Chambers of the earthly members
Of the Great White Brotherhood.

In the Asian Himalayas,
In the Andes of the Westland,
On the Islands of the South Seas,
On the little known Mount Shasta,
And in other chosen places
Where no prying eye could see,
Here the guardians kept the Secrets
Of the higher Laws and Forces
Of the Universe eternal
Held by mental-power securely
Lest they be used prematurely,
To result in tragedy.”
(A Planetary Saga Almega, p. 16-17)

”There are certain Souls, my brother,
Some you´d call Adepts, or Masters
Who may by the use of higher
Cosmic-laws, they´ve learned to live by,
Consciously project, in Spirit
To another land, or person,
And by drawing on the atoms
of that place upon the Earth-plane
And to which they have projected,
Re-assemble, in the body
As it were in three dimensions
To become as real and solid
As thery were before projection
In the body that is resting
In another land, or region”
(Return of Alizantil, p. 142)

”For the Brotherhood is anxious
To establish closer contact
With selected ”groups” or ”bodies”.
”Focal points” perhaps, you´d call them
In the lands of every Nation.”
(Journey in Space With Alizantil, p. 231)

”But the Brotherhood we´ve mentioned
Of which we are humble members,
Are concerned as to the welfare
Of this planet and her peoples
And of every type and species
With the spark of Life within them.”
(Journey in Space With Alizantil, p. 296)

”Man has always proved reluctant
to accept that which is given
by the Brotherhood and Others,
for his spiritual guidance,
and prefers to follow signposts
promising remuneration
and a life of ease and comfort.”
(An Extraterrestrial Message to the Nations, (p. 310-311)

”You´ve already seen, Manelda
(as have we who guard the secrets
of the very ancient wisdom

We have records in our archives
dealing with the primal phases
of this Planet and all species
of the animal and plant life

Contary to common knowledge
and acceptance on the Earthplane,
Man has lived upon this planet
for some million years and more.”
(An Extraterrestrial Message to the Nations, (p. 356-357)

Space people
”In the Universe are Others
You could call them your Space-brothers
Who do know your present plight
In machines they come to see you,
Come as guardians and advisers
Which the´ve been throughout the Ages.

Contact points they have where needed
On the plains or in the valleys
Sometimes high up on the mountains
Far from prying eyes and scoffers,
From those who would fill their coffers
At another Soul´s expence.”
(A Planetary Saga Almega, p. 12)

”Know that in your skies this moment
Are the Ships from Lands afar-off,
With their mission understood.
From the Planets of this System,
Venus, Saturn, and from Mar-sa,
Come your sisters and your brothers
These your Guardians and your helpers.
Working with the Heavenly Legion
Of the Great White Brotherhood.”
(A Planetary Saga Almega, p. 27)

”From those planets which are older
Come the sisters and the brothers,
In the ships which were constructed
For their journeys in the system

And, to those who seek to guide you
Through the days which lie before you
Through the cataclysmic chaos brought
about by men of darkness. Access to the
detailed records
Has been given for the purpose
Many, many tens och thousands
Of your Guardians and Helpers who
have volunteered for service from the
lovely planet Venus, she who shines in
light of spirit,
And from Saturn, where the wise ones
Teach the wisdom of the Father, and
from Marsa-World of science,
Where great ships are manufactured; these
who would give help and guidance have been
issued with instructions,
Have been trained, equipped and readied
For that which they know is coming, for
the cleansing of your Planet.
(A Planetary Saga Almega, p. 53)

”Do not be alarmed nor fearful
When you see, within your heavens,
In the skies which are around you,
Gleaming ships from Lands afar-off,
From the Lands of other Planets;
For you shall not be deserted
By the Brotherhood of peoples
Of this local Solar-System.”
(A Planetary Saga Almega, p. 74)

”Know that those who use these space-craft
As a means of transportation,
From the distant Lands and Planets
To your World, or to another,
Have progressed a little farther
In their search for truth and knowledge
Than your scientists and teachers.”
(A Planetary Saga Almega, p. 80)

”For, although the ”plan” at present
Does include sufficient ”sightings”
Of these Craft within the heavens,
To maintain thought stimulation.”
(Journey in Space With Alizantil, p. 241)

Stones lifting
”Centuries have passed, Manelda,
Since the Ones from other Planets
Lived, and walked in greater numbers
With the early native Peoples
Of this adolescent planet,
Teaching them the arts and science
Of the Distant Worlds and Systems
Teaching peace, and love of others
In the place of greed and war-fare.
Buildings of great strength and beauty
Were designed by Master.planners
To be built in stone or timber

Stone was cut, and shaped from quarries
By the use of Ultra-Light beams
Thus allowing great precision
Of the joints and polished surface;
These colossal stones, when finished
Were each lifted, as a feather
By the power of the Vortex
By the atteunement of the Force-field”:
(A Planetary Saga Almega, p. 154)

”Let us take you now, my brother
In this state of relaxation
To a point within the heavens,
To the Craft, from whence transmission
Of this telepathic contact,
Has been made, this very moment

In your mind I read the question,
”How did I arrive so quickly
At this point, within this Space-craft,
And, how was this feat accomplished?”
”Well Manelda, there are many
Means by which a conscious being
May be moved from one position
To another point, some distance
From the place from whcnce he started.”
(Return of Alizantil, p. 139-140)

”Now we come to yet another
Method, by which we, and others
May ´project` a certain person
Or some object we have chosen,
From a point upon this Planet
To a point within our Space-Craft

To accomplish this Manelda,
We create, with appartus
What you´d call, an artificial
Elongated, spiral force-field
Similar in certain aspects
To a whirlwind, or tornado”
(Return of Alizantil, p. 142)

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