The quote in the title from American contactee George
Adamski can be found in Glenn Steckling´s recently published book The U.F.O.
Reality – Can Truth Prevail? (p. 145) It is to a large extent an autobiography,
narrating his involvement in the work of the George Adamski Foundation
(GAF). Glenn´s many experiences with
alien visitors and assertions about their activities on our planet are of
course controversial and will surely be questioned and criticized. This is not
an ordinary UFO book.
Based on both empirical evidence and Esotericism as a paradigm I have advanced
the theory that some of the first generation UFO contactees of the 1950s were
involved in a cultural and psychological test. An experiment implemented by a
group of highly advanced, benevolent aliens, earth based or extraterrestrial. A
group with access to “vimana” technology. Involved in this experiment were a.o.
George Adamski, Orfeo Angelucci, Paul Vest, Rosemary Decker, Millen Cooke,
George and Dorris Van Tassel, Daniel Fry and Howard Menger.
The 335 page The U.F.O.
Reality – Can Truth Prevail is divided into two sections: 1 Our Journey, which
is the family history of Glenn och his parents, Fred and Ingrid Steckling, and
their involvement with George Adamski and the Foundation. 2 A Reality Check,
consisting of part ufo history and Glenn´s critical examination of the ufo
movement and its mistakes, based on personal experiences and information
provided by various visitors.
Section 1 is a very
valuable contribution to ufo history as a documentation of the Adamski movement
from the perspective of Glenn Steckling and his family. From their first ufo
observations in Germany and the United States to meeting George Adamski in
1963. An experience that would change the life of the Steckling family for ever
and eventually leading to Fred Steckling becoming the Director of the George
Adamski Foundation. A responsibility, since 1992, resting on the shoulders of
Glenn Steckling, resulting in numerous speaking engagements at conferences and
meetings all around the globe.
According to Glenn the visitors
were in regular contact with the Steckling family: ”These space visitors would
visit us after GA´s death and, over the years, assist us with many things… Such
visitors have a program, very much like our U.S. Peace Corps, where they are
incorporated into our society for two years or less…”. (p. 35) The visitors
sometimes attended the Steckling lectures as in 1981 in Germany when the visitor
named Orthon was sitting in the front row wearing a light blue suit. ”I did not
participate in that trip but was to make acquaintances with seven other
extraterrestrials while with my father at the 1989 Frankfurt UFO conference.”
(p. 81)
In his last book
(2013), Earth An Alien Enterprise, British author Timothy Good devote an entire
chapter to the rumor that President Eisenhower had a meeting with
extraterrestrials in 1954 or 1955. A rumor that has generated an enormous
amount of strange tales. Acoording to Glenn Steckling this is what actually happened:
”What was discussed was a compromise that our government would release the true
space visitor information to the public. In return, we would receive
technological advancements, a significant advantage, and progression to our
civilization. Our government declined.” (p. 31)
Section 2 – A Reality
Check, includes, besides a ufo sighting history, some very pertinent comments
on and criticism of the ufo community. In respective chapters believers in
Chemtrails and that we never went to the Moon receive a severe bashing. Neither
is Glenn an advocate of Disclosure, which has made ufologists worldwide running
after the dangling carrots offered by various government agents and former ”insiders”:
”… Disclosure will never willingly happen via public pressures”. (p. 265) Here
I fully agree will Glenn. Investigators are spending large amounts of time,
money and energy on this charade. A very effective method getting the ufo
research community sidetracked by barking up the wrong tree.The Real Disclosure will come from the people.
Much of Section 2 is
information on what Glenn has named ”The divergent misinformation program”,
initiated by the CIA and other intelligence organisations around 1961. Here we
find much of the abduction stories, implemented by using advanced mind- och
memory-altering methods. By using this fear and terror agenda and getting the
people to believe that abductions are caused by evil alien visitors the real
and benevolent visitors program was
effectively shattered. It was what George Adamski called a ”foolproof plan”.
(p. 269)
This MILABS (Military
Abductions) theory, with minor variations, is getting more and more acceptance
among serious ufo investigators, a.o. Nick Redfern and Tanner Boyle. The theory
was studied and documented by Dr. Helmut Lammer and Marion Lammer in their book MILABS: Military Mind Control and Alien
Abduction (1999). Based on several years of research
Lammer concluded that some abduction cases could actually be secret experiments
by various military intelligence agencies. In April 2011 I wrote to Dr. Lammer
asking for more data on his research. He very kindly told me he had abandoned
all research on abductions and mind controland his entire archive had been thrown way!
This question becomes
even more relevant when studying the abduction experiences of Alison, a woman
living on a ranch not far from Sedona, Arizona. The case was documented by Nick
Redfern in his 2006 book On
the Trail of the Saucer Spies. (pp. 115-117) Alison´s abductions always
start with a humming sound, loss of electricity in the house and her dogs
becoming very distressed. Bright lights envelope the room and in a
semiconscious state she is aware of small creatures carrying her to a small
craft outside the house where she is examined and then led back to the house.
On her fifth abduction something extraordinary happens. The humming sound stops
abruptly and Alison slowly regain her normal senses. The small gray aliens fade
away and instead she find a group of large and burly men in black fatigues in
her room. According to Alison one of the men screamed "what happened"
in a microphone. Another man utters the word "sorry" in her direction
and the men leave in, not an alien spacecraft, but an unmarked black helicopter.
Did their psychotronic equipment fail this time?
It would of course be
an easy way out to blame all abductions on covert (black) projects and
intelligence groups. With no bad intentions Glenn Steckling is actually opening
a Pandora´s Box on this issue, when he in several chapters and interviews is stating
that there are also non-benevolent visitors using unsuspecting victims: ”In
fairness, opposing forces of not-so-benevolent societies and ”races” (NOT species)
also visit and exist beyond our planet.” (p. 49) When Anders Liljegren and I in
September 2015, had dinner with former CIA operative Jim Semivan and his wife Deborah
Stokes, Jim told us that he and his wife had been the victims of a very
traumatic abduction-like experience. He also mentioned that several of his
colleagues in the CIA had encountered the Men-in-Black. If abductions is only
used by intelligence groups why harass CIA personnel?
If we also have
non-benevolent visitors to cope with and covert intelligence groups have reached
the same conclusion, it would certainly be a good reason for non-disclosure. Imagine
the widespread paranoia and fear such a disclosure from any government would
create. Unfortunately my own investigations of contactees have actually confirmed
Glenn´s claim. The experiences of Swedish contactees Jade Ekström and RichardHöglund definitely involved non-benevolent visitors. Especially is this evident
in the Höglund case, where the visitors acted more like a global crime syndicate
than interplanetary Peace Corps. Richard became deeply afraid of the visitors
he worked with for several years. Perhaps it was the activities of these
intruders American contactee Howard Menger was briefed about as a warning by
his visitor friends. He was told they were very dangerous and used ”advanced
brain therapy”. (From Outer Space To You, pp. 143-144)
Finally Glenn reveal
one assertion from his visitors, which, if correct, certainly would create widespread
appehension among the public. Because of ”solar systemic changes” and the ”solar
system´s decelerating cycle” we can expect large catastrophes on Earth. Therefore
”inhabitants of our neighboring planets” have to a large extent been evacuated
to the solar system of Alpha Centauri. Two hundred thousand willing earth volunteers
have also been transported to this new solar system. (p. 87) A scenario that must
be regarded as a rather dystopian vision for our planet and culture. Let´s hope
this ”prophecy” fails.
For obvious reasons
there is not much new information on the life of George Adamski in this volume,
as it is an autobiography. But on page 32 Glenn mention a most welcome project.
After this book he is planning an ”accurate and thorough” biography of the life
and history of George Adamski, based on documents from the extensive GAF
archive. That is certainly worth waiting for.
The ufo enigma is like Chinese boxes. The majority of scientifically oriented ufologists in the ufo research community only open box one and two. Glenn Steckling´s very fascinating book is an intellectual challenge to all ufo researchers to dare open box three and four.