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ETI and the Esoteric Tradition

The scholarly and critical investigator of UFO and paranormal phenomena will usually, sooner or later, come to the realization that materialist, reductionist mainstream science cannot account for the wide variety of intriguing phenomena reported and documented worldwide. To discover this fact becomes an intellectual challenge facing all serious and honest investigators. Then the real existential problem begins. Few researchers are willing to publicly enter the ardous path  of the heretic or iconoclast, especially if their academic or scientific credibility will be questioned by collegues and friends. Entering Forbidden Science is perhaps today safest in the secluded company among like-minded investigators working together and sharing data as an Invisible College.

This becomes even more important as investigators begin the complicated and controversial journey of trying to discover an alternative working hypothesis or paradigm where these phenomena can be understood or explained. Like myself, many researchers and scholars have found the Esoteric Tradition or Ancient Wisdom, to be the intellectually most interesting and challenging alternative worldview. Several  of my guides and mentors in Forbidden Science have after many years of research and study indicated that this is the direction in which answers may eventually be found. Here are three quotes relative to this issue:

 "Previous to all this I was a typical hard-boiled skeptic. I sneered at the occult. I had once published a book, Jadoo, which denigrated the mystical legends of the Orient. I tried to adopt a very scientific approach to ufology, and this meant that I scoffed at the many contactee reports. But as my experiences mounted and investigations broadened, I rapidly changed my views"… I have dealt with thousands of honest, sincere witnesses by mail, phone, and in person. My skepticism has melted away, and I have turned from science to philosophy in my search for the elusive truth". John Keel, Operation Trojan Horse (1970, pp. 274, 306 ).

”…the history of ufology should be placed within an esoteric context. Throughout history there has been a tradition of higher knowledge, and the claim that it was accessible to us, if only we agreed to be tested, to work through certain spiritual problems… That´s the meaning of the hermetic schools. The UFO problem, the question of parapsychology, are central to this business. Looking for the solution isn´t just a scientific project; it´s a quest, an initiation, an enigma like that of the Sphinx…”. (Jacques Vallee, Forbidden Science II, p. 211).

”My interest in metaphysics, in this life, dates back to 1934 when I discovered the not inconsiderable library of the Minneapolis Lodge of the Theosophical Society; and tried to read through it in record time… Since coming to the mainland my lectures have been concerned with the problem of relating Flying Saucer data, and phenomena, to the teachings of the Mystery Schools. I believe you´ll agree this is no easy task. If I have one goal in life it is un uncompromising search for Truth, whatever that might be, and wherever it may lead.” (Riley Crabb, About the Author. Round Robin, vol. 15, no. 4, July-August 1959).

The Esoteric Tradition as formulated by a.o. Helena Blavatsky, Charles Leadbeater, Alice Bailey and Henry T. Laurency is a consistent and rational worldview, with a profound humanism at its core. A science of the multiverse also presenting a detailed taxonomy of multiverse entities and paranormal phenomena of interest as an alternative working hypothesis to the field investigator. According to the Esoteric Tradition we are not alone in the universe. There is life on all planets in our own solar system and beyond on planets in other star systems. But, and this is highly significant, the Esoteric Tradition is of the same opinion as todays astronomers and astro physicists that higher organic life is impossible on the other planets in our solar system.

I have collected a few statements on ETI, relating to the issue of organic versus etheric bodies, by Swedish esotericist Henry T. Laurency, comparing them with empirical data from a few interesting UFO contactees. Unless otherwise stated all quotes are from the English online versions of the Henry T. Laurency books - www.laurency.com/index.html

"Only on our planet do the individuals of the fourth natural kingdom develop through organisms and reincarnation. On other planets development is done through aggregate envelopes, which subsist until the individual has acquired the consciousness of higher molecular kinds and the envelopes corresponding to that consciousness."
The Way of Man
Introductions, 1.39.1

"Our planet (Terra) is the only planet in the solar system where organic life is possible. On other planets, man’s lowest envelope (49:5-7) is an aggregate envelope and not an organic one."
Knowledge of Life Two
Conscious Development, 7.2.9

"Regarding ”the saucers” I have no knowledge and have never been interested in any type of ”phenomena”. Actually there is nothing impossible in this matter. The inhabitants on Venus have, except an etheric envelope, a dense aggregate envelope confusingly similar to an organism. They are far ahead of us in consciousness development and have solved their ”physical problems”. They know everything about us, so the visits could be a way to give mankind something to ponder on.”
Letter from Henry T. Laurency to Curt Östergren, October 12, 1965 (my translation).

Laurency also mention that aggregate envelopes, or bodies, are atoms and molecules electromagnetically held together. They can be instantly materialized and dissolved  Only organic bodies have different sex so a temporarily formed physical aggregate form could be made into any gender. Several of the early contactees reported interesting physical differences when describing the visitors. Regarding the venusian "Orthon" George Adamski writes: "The flesh of his hand to the touch of mine was like a baby’s, very delicate in texture, but firm and warm. His hands were slender, with long tapering fingers like the beautiful hands of an artistic woman. In fact, in different clothing he could easily have passed for an unusually beautiful woman; yet he definitely was a man... As nearly as I can describe his skin the colouring would be an even, medium-coloured suntan. And it did not look to me as though he had ever had to shave, for there was no more hair on his face than on a child’s." Desmond Leslie, George Adamski, Flying Saucers Have Landed, Werner Laurie edition, London 1959, p. 195.

This description indicates the possibility of a non-organic, temporarily formed body. We find the same type of observation made by American journalist Paul M. Vest who met the venusian "Bill" in California, June 1953. He appears out of nowhere to the confused Paul: ""I was dumbfounded! An instant before the streets had been absolutely deserted. Bewildered, I saw him approach the car, smiling. He introduced himself saying, "I'm Bill - the fellow who phoned you last night from Los Angeles." We shook hands and I recall being aware of the peculiar feel of his hand-as though it were without any underlying bone structure... A casual observer would certainly not be startled by his appearance. In a crowd he would pass as a rather unusual appearing person. But as I studied him more closely while he talked, I was aware of certain strange characteristics in his physical appearance. His skin was exceptionally white – so white in fact that it appeared to have an odd bluish tinge. His cheek bones were unusually high and his eyes and brows had a peculiar Oriental cast. Yet in no way did he resemble a true Oriental. And I noticed that his ears were oddly pointed and appeared to be more delicate and complex than any I had ever seen. I recalled how odd his hand had felt in my grasp. Looking at his hands, I noticed that his fingers were long and tapering and so smooth that they seemed to be without joints or underlying bone structure. He spoke slowly and clearly with no trace of an accent, but he seemed to be choosing his words with great care. I noticed too that his voice had a peculiar resonant quality."

An American contactee, who claims to be working with the same group of visitors who contacted George Adamski, Howard Menger a.o. and with whom I have been corresponding for several years told me of his first experience of the visitors dissolving and forming their bodies: "Before I had my first "visits", I was a total unbelieving skeptic. And I said to them at one point, "give me proof, personally", and I need never ask that again, that´s for sure. When you get proof my friend, you will feel like the world as you knew it has ended.... I remember the first time there was about 5 space people in xx (name withheld) house talking with her as I quietly watched, and then suddenly one of the men turned, looked directly at me, smiled gently, and then very slowly turned to the kitchen room wall and walked right through the wall! I watched this very closely as he then  came back in... Let me tell you, those kind of incidents have a very deep and troubling affect on our minds because we cannot comprehend it." (Mail conversation February 25-26, 2012).

American contactee George Van Tassel mention several incidents where he observed the visitors suddenly appear and disappear. Interestingly he also claimed they possessed a small technical device carried on a cord around the neck or suspended under the blouse, that could make them instantly disappear from vision although still physically felt real to the touch. Regarding the difference between the visitors materializations and mediums he mad this interesting comment: "Many of the space people live in frequencies of life beyond the human limits. By using methods developed by them, they can bring their body vibrations inside our visiual limits as easily as we can condense unseen moisture out of the air into water, and then freeze it into ice... Many spiritualist mediums can materialize people from beyond the door of death. do not let yourself be confused, howeer, with these ectoplasmic figures; or the words spoken through them. All figure of people generated through the ectoplasm of another person, are from the transition or earthboud level, or are created by the mind of the medium." (George Van Tassel, Materialization and de-materialization, Proceedings, vol. 3, no. 9, June 1955, pp. 9-10)

What chemical elements could the visitors bodies consist of when materialized? This question was asked by the group listening to the remarkable deeptrance medium Mark Probert in San Diego, May 1957. The question was asked by "Ramon Natalli", one of the controls behind Mark Probert: "The blood nature of these Space Beings is this: Carbon, Silicon, and Hydrogen. Especially is this true when they take on form so as to be seen by your eyes... In your body the principal component is water - more than 90% and this is not compressed. But silicon and carbon make for handness and strength, as in the case of diamonds, which do not deteriorate except under great heat. This makes these Beings very durable. It is likely that in taking form such bodies could suffer such injury as to produce seeming death; but the entity concerned would simply withdraw and reconstruct its vehicle when and where desired." (Comments of Raymond Natalli. On the Space People and the UFO. Round Robin, vol. 13, no.1, May-June 1957, p. 13)

Compare this quote with what Henry T. Laurency writes in the Way of Man, regarding the difference between organic and aggregate bodies: "It is part of this insight to know that organic life is not a normal phenomenon, does not enter into the general plan of the monads’ consciousness development. On other planets, where all have only aggregate envelopes, so-called natural catastrophes are without consequences and there are no so-called accidents."
The Way of Man
The Second Self, 9.100.1

Field investigators of UFO and paranormal phenomena will find many intriguing parallels by correlating data from research with statements from the Esoteric Tradition. Naturally the results must be regarded only as alternative explanation models or working hypothesis. This attitude is necessary to keep a psychological balance and intellectual integrity. As John Keel wrote, "belief is the enemy" or in the words of warning from Henry T. Laurency: "“Even if by thorough study you are however much convinced that the hylozoic system agrees with reality, yet you must view it as a working hypothesis... This principled attitude is necessary to avoid all manifestations of dogmatism, fanaticism, and intolerance." (Henry T. Laurency, Knowledge of Life Four, 1995, online ed. p. 29-30).

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