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Gustaf Fröding and the Esoteric Tradition

On October 8, 2016 my wife Margaretha and I attended a very interesting and inspiring lecture, Konsten, poesin och sanningen (Art, Poetry and Truth) at Kristinehamn Public Library. An excellent exposition of how ideas from the Esoteric Tradition inspired the famous Swedish poet and writer Gustaf Fröding. The lecturer, engineer (M.Sc.) and writer, Rolf Solheim has spent several years investigating och documenting the worldview of Gustaf Fröding. A pioneering research effort that will add a whole new dimension to our national poet.

Rolf Solheim

In several blog entries I have mentioned that Värmland is the Swedish province par excellence of poets, authors, artists, mystics and esotericists. A province also rich in folklore on nature spirits, paranormal sites and phenomena, including many UFO encounters. Therefore it comes as no surprise to find that Rolf Solheim and his wife Anne have their home at Arvika, Värmland. From the same magical province comes Gustaf Fröding, world famous author Selma Lagerlöf and artist Gustaf Fjaestad, all of them inspired by the Esoteric Tradition.

Gustaf Fröding

A summary of Solheim´s research on Fröding was recently published in the yearbook 2016 of Gustaf Fröding-sällskapet (Gustaf Fröding Society): Kanhända jag tror att jag vet (Maybe I believe that I know). Solheim writes that he was surprised to find that hardly any academic scholar has made a study of or understood how Fröding´s esoteric worldview was reflected in his writings. Gustaf Fröding had in 1898 privately published a small booklet, Om lifsmonader. Ett lifsförklaringsförsök (On lifemonads. An attempt to explain life). In his 1916 biography on Fröding, Swedish literary scholar and professor of Pedagogy and Psychology John Landquist regarded this booklet as "a curiosity, caused by Fröding´s mental illness", implying "reduced capacity for reasoning power", and "a low point in Fröding´s production". This assessment is ample evidence that John Landquist, like most contemporary academic scholars are esoteric illiterates, with very little knowledge of esotericism as the third pillar in cultural history, along with science and religion.

Fröding´s booklet Om lifsmonader is a remarkable document on esoteric philosophy, especially when we know that it was written by a man who spent a large part of his life in various hospitals because of mental illness and alcoholism. The life of Fröding was an endless journey of sickness, pain and loneliness and still he could write the most beautiful and inspiring poetry, a timeless gift to new generations of readers.

Accomplished esotericists reading Om lifsmonader will immediately recognize reflections of the Ageless Wisdom. With the hypothesis on världsharmoni (World Harmony) presented in his booklet Fröding aimed at creating "a bridge between the materialistic worldview and the trancendental". He envision a cosmic evolution in a multiverse of seen and unseen worlds where the smallest units are named monads, in constant movement and development of consciousness, leading to higher forms of life, above man. At the end of the booklet Fröding acknowledge Theosophy as one of his sources of inspiration.

Om lifsmonader was published in 1898 but Rolf Solheim relates how Fröding already in an article from 1892 had formulated his worldview: "The religion of love and freedom is the oldest of all religions and has inspired the noblest and best of men as long as there are historical records... its main features are always the same, the service to give unto others of the best you wish for yourself and the knowledge that this is the only way to happiness together with the drive to search for the highest truth and beauty... and the courage to proclaim and work for the ideas you have found..."

The literature on Fröding is immense and many studies have been made of his life, poetry and mental illness by various authors, among them several psychiatrists. With the renaissance of academic interest in "Western Esotericism" we will hopefully see more studies on how the Esoteric Tradition influenced Fröding. As to mainstream psychiatry Rolf Solheim has little hope: "Unfortunately Swedish psychiatry still lack open mindedness when it comes to transpersonal or metaphysical man or a psychology and therapy that can accept that Plato´s world of ideas is in fact a reality."

Rolf Solheim

Academic scholars have for several years been studying the esoteric influences in the writings of Selma Lagerlöf. Next in line for this type of research is Gustaf Fröding and Gustaf Fjaestad. Here the pioneering research of Rolf Solheim will be of great help and value.

AFU people: Anders Liljegren

If anyone deserves the title Mr. AFU it is my old friend and UFO research collegue Anders Liljegren. The truth is that the archive would never have achieved its present dimensions and renown if it hadn´t been for the persistent determination and idealism of Anders. He is the rock of AFU, working today full time as administrative manager at the archive instead of spending lazy days as a pensioner. While my AFU commitment has had its ups and downs Anders has always steadfastly, through all the years, kept the torch burning since our foundation in 1973. That´s impressive.

Anders Liljegren

Already in 1969 Anders began taking an active interest in ufology, placing an ad in the local paper, looking for UFO interested people. A small informal group was formed, When the national organization UFO-Sweden was founded in 1970 the group was renamed Norrköpings UFO-förening (Norrköping UFO Society) and they had a small habitat not far from the present AFU premises.

Anders at the premises of his local group, October 1971

I met Anders for the first time in January 1971 when entering senior high school studies at Norrköping. We had both of us founded local UFO-Sweden groups and soon became good friends. Already from the beginning Anders was the down-to-earth practical realist in UFO matters and when I now and then went too far out on a limb in the UFO and paranormal world, Anders pulled me back with his critical common sense.

Anders at home, February 7, 1971. He never liked being photographed.

In the autumn of 1972 we both became discontented with the ideology and public image of UFO-Sweden, which was at this time very much information, or ET missionary, oriented. Inspired by Jacques Vallee and John Keel , we wanted primarily to do serious research. So in March 1973 Anders Liljegren, Kjell Jonsson and I started an informal working group, Arbetsgruppen för ufologi (AFU), The Studygroup for Ufology. This eventually developed into a library and archive institution which was very much Kjell Jonson´s inspired and brilliant idea.

Among the first research projects initiated by Anders was an in depth study of the 1946 Scandinavian Ghost Rockets wave and the very intriguing reports of Ghost Fliers in the 1930s. In 1977 Anders received permission by the Swedish Minister of Defence, Eric Krönmark, to study the so far classified files on the Ghost Fliers at the Military Archives in Stockholm. In 1975 I had started publishing AFU Newsletter, a venture that Anders continued from 1976 until 2008, all in all 52 issues. All issues can be downloaded at the AFU website.

The AFU acronym was changed to Archives for UFO Research in 1979 and we became a formal foundation in 1980 when we also moved to our new premises in Norrköping. From now on Anders Liljegren and Sven-Olov Svensson continued the daily maintenance at the archive. In 1983 Anders designed the first version of our own classification system, Ufocode (later PhenCode), built on mnemonic codes and still in use although very much updated and expanded. Anders´magnificent idealism was exemplified in 1985 when he, from his own economic resources, bought the first AFU computer an IBM-compatible XT at the cost of 50.000 SEK. With the help of this computer he created the first database on Swedish UFO reports, ScanCat.

Anders at our first premises in Norrköping 1983

In 1984 Clas Svahn from UFO-Sweden joined the AFU board. UFO-Sweden had in the 1980s become more research oriented and in 1986 AFU became officially affiliated with our national organization. A pioneering research effort was made by Clas and Anders in 1989 with the publishing of Domstensfallet: en svensk närkontakt 1958 (The Domsten Case. A Swedish close encounter 1958). With meticulous documentation they could prove that this classic Swedish abduction was a fake. This represented a new ideology in Swedish ufology, what later came to be called the third way ufology: neither naive belief nor debunking skepticism but an open mind to various theories and claims based on critical investigation and empirical data.

Beginning in the 1990s AFU received an increasing amount of donations of UFO and Fortean books, periodicals, correspondence and organizational files from all over the world. And it was Anders who worked diligently cataloguing all the incoming collections. A very usual sight at AFU is Anders at his desk comtemplating some tricky cataloguing issue. The catalogue on serial publications today includes more than 73.000 individual issues from 57 different countries. The book catalogue comprises around 26.000 titles.

Anders cataloguing January 2, 2011

Anders cataloguing at the Evans Library March 7, 2011

Today Anders is the principal manager and executive at AFU, taking care of economy and personnel. With 12 premises and a staff of around 15 people his working day can be quite intensive. The continuing inflow of books and other material to AFU sometimes makes Anders feel like he is buried in books. Especially when Clas Svahn (The Viking Raider) has found another collection donated to AFU.

Oh no, not another collection! Anders July 1, 2009

When relaxing from his AFU undertaking Anders engage in his special interest in maritime and aviation history. Anders Liljegren and I have been research colleagues and good friends since 1971, sharing many memories of both hard work and happy times with UFO collegues. Keep up the good work Anders!

Anders Liljegren and I at the UFO-Sweden field investigator seminar 2007

AFU Downloads

Without libraries and archives we have no history, only anecdotes, myths and hazy memories. Without archives and libraries serious and scientific research becomes very difficult and in some areas almost impossible. When Kjell Jonsson, Anders Liljegren and I founded AFU in March 1973 our primary objective was UFO research. But we soon found out that this venture required large amounts of data, compiled and gathered by earlier investigators - ergo a library as a first priority.

Kjell Jonsson at work with our first two book shelves at his home, August 1977

About 40 years later

In our first AFU Newsletter, March-April 1975 I wrote: "We consider a well-functioning, orderly and extensive library to be one of the most crucial pre-requisites for UFO research. The problem of locating and acquiring specific, often privately published literature, in a short time and without to much expenditure, we found to be a great obstacle in our own investigations. By easy access to a specialized UFO library these problems are greatly diminished. "

Today AFU is the worlds largest UFO and Fortean library and archive. Now we are faced with the challenge in the digital age of making as much of this information easily accessible by researchers around the globe, ufologists, academic scholars, journalists and all who are interested in our subjects, whether "believers" or "skeptics". There are many similar projects going on around the world with subjects close to or connected with ufology. One example is The International Association for the Preservation of Spiritualist and Occult Periodicals (IAPSOP). Another example is FOTA, The Friends of Theosophical Archives, with the object to promote knowledge of, and support for, the Theosophical archives across the world.

At the AFU website you can download our very extensive book catalogue, 26.000 titles and our catalogue of serial publications, including more than 73.000 issues. We are now working hard getting permission to make aviable as many UFO magazines for digitizing and download as possible. Here Isaac Koi from London has made a tremendous effort of which we are most grateful. Isaac also has an excellent website. Magazines for download you can find by clicking Collections at the AFU website.

Swedish ufologists will find digitized versions of several magazines. All the 52 issues of AFU Newsletter and also UFO-Sweden´s first magazine UFO-Information 1969-1980.

There are at present 121 different UFO magazines to download from many countries and in different languages. Here you find classics like APRO Bulletin 1952-1987, Saucers, Space & Science, all 64 issues and Max Miller´s Saucers published between 1953-1960. Happy reading!

AFU quo vadis?

On Friday, December 16. 2016 the AFU board held its annual meeting at one of the foundation premises in Norrköping. Detailed annual reports of 2014-2015 were submitted by Anders Liljegren and can be studied at the AFU website. They are an excellent summary of the intense work and far-reaching activities during the last two years. But the prospects for 2017 represent a real challenge for the foundation. The Swedish government has put a complete stop for the so-called "phase three" subsidies from the Employment Office. This means that our economy will be drastically reduced, starting July 1, 2017. We will lose all phase three personnel and perhaps also the three salaried employees? So now we ask ourselves - AFU quo vadis?

The AFU board. Anders Liljegren, Carl-Anton Mattsson, Clas Svahn, Håkan Blomqvist, Tobias Lindgren

We are at present working hard on all fronts trying to secure our economy for the future. Our sponsors and friends of the archive have been alerted to the difficult time we are now facing and I wish to express my deep gratitude to those who have become new sponsors. With enough new sponsors we will be able to pay the rent and electricity for our many premises and keep the basic archival activities going. If you find our work of importance go to the Your sponsorship site, where all information of how to support AFU can be found. At this time we really need all the help we can get - from all over the world.

A minor change in the AFU board was decided. Clas Svahn was elected chairman and I vice chairman. We thought this was a good idea because Clas travel all around the world, representing AFU, trying to secure donations of UFO and Fortean archives to AFU. This activity has rendered him a new title, The Viking Raider. After the annual meeting all the AFU staff enjoyed the traditional Christmas dinner at the Elite Grand Hotel Norrköping.

AFU Christmas dinner

Even though 2017 will be a real challenge for the AFU board we are in good spirits, doing our very best and hoping that The Force will be with us in the future. 

To my friends on this planet 
and on other planets and spheres in the multiverse
I wish you all
A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year

The UFO contactee no one investigated

There is one aspect of American ufology that has always puzzled me. Why have no serious investigators ever made in-depth studies and documentation of the first generation contactees? Instead there has been an almost total preoccupation with abductions and crash retrieval stories. The first ufologist who made an effort, in a more open minded way, to document these contactees was the British investigator Timothy Good in co-operation with Lou Zinsstag (George Adamski - The Untold Story, 1983).

Instead of thorough investigation accomplished ufologists like Jim and Coral Lorenzen, Allen Hynek and Jacques Vallee simply dismissed these first generation contactees as charlatans. Especially Hynek and Vallee should have suspected there was a deeper level to some of these often wild claims as both were, more or less in secret, scholars of esoteric traditions. But they totally missed this aspect and Allen Hynek commented on their philosophy as "platitudes in stained glass attitudes" (Hynek & Vallee; The Edge of Reality, p. 181. A somewhat more profound inquiry could have revealed to these two gentlemen the possibility of an actual Esoteric Intervention behind the scenes, orchestrated by the Higher Intelligence Agency (HIA).

Because of this neglect in research much data is now forever lost. Most of those involved with the first generation contactees are gone. Research will have to be made with second generation data, correspondence and interviews with relatives. My hope is that American researchers will, as soon as possible, initiate research projects with the following contactees: Orfeo Angelucci, George Van Tassel, Dorris Van Tassel, Carol Honey, Helen & Betty Mitchell, Eugene Drake, Howard Menger, Paul Vest and Millen Cooke. This should include studies of the first directors of Borderland Sciences Research Associates (BSRA), Meade Layne and Riley Crabb. Renewed investigations into George Adamski and Daniel Fry is of course also of primary interest although Sean Donovan has made a commendable effort with the biography Contactee. Was Daniel W. Fry Telling the Truth?

Daniel Fry in Sweden 1970

An example of neglected research is the American contactee Eugene H. Drake 1889-1973, director of The Fellowship of Golden Illumination. He is not even mentioned in UFO encyclopedias and data about his life and experiences are exceedingly scarce. From my distant vantage point here in Sweden I have tried to gather as much information as possible about this forgotten contactee. Excellent help with biographical data was provided by Joshua Blu Buhs. A real wizard when it comes to biographical information retrieval as evidenced by his very informative blog on old Fortean researchers From an Oblique Angle. He is a real master detective in finding obscure data on various underground individuals in the Fortean world.

Not even at AFU is there much information to find on Drake. We have his two booklets, Visitors From Space (no publication date given, but probably 1949 or 1950) and Life On the Planets. A visit to Venus (1950). We also have a single copy of his magazine Golden Light, vol 10, no. 2, May 1962 and two letters written in 1962 and 1963 to Edith Nicolaisen, founder of the new age publishing house Parthenon in 1957.

Golden Light, May 1962

What made me especially fascinated by Eugene Drake was the fact that he, years before George Adamski, claimed physical contact with space people and was actually the first to print illustrations of the classic Adamski type scout ship and cigar shaped space craft. Something that has not been noticed, or at least mentioned, by American ufologists. An additional letter by Eugene Drake is to be found in the German edition of his booklet, Besucher aus dem Weltraum, published by Ventla Verlag 1961. Besides these data there are a few, not very informative, mentions on the internet.

Illustration in Visitors from Space

Here is the extensive biographical information mailed to be by Joshua Blu Buhs, December 20, 2016:
"Eugene Harry Drake was born 22 September 1889 in Warren county, Pennsylvania, to Zachariah Taylor Drake and Sarah Jane (Jackson) Drake. He relocated to the Los Angeles area no later than 1910, when he was there, living with his grandparents (and a sister), working as a stenographer for a hardware company. He was a private in the New Jersey and California National Guards. Drake married Priscilla Atlee Putnam no later than the beginning of 1917. They had two daughters, Priscilla and Irene. In 1917 and 1918, the family lived in Pasadena, at 539 N. Lake, and Eugene worked as a cashier. Apparently, he also hoped to get into the film industry. In 1920, the family lived in Santa Monica (Eugene’s mother-in-law lived with them.) He told the U.S. Census that he worked as a manager for a film exchange.

In April of 1922, Drake was arrested for embezzling $6,400 from the New England Mutual Life Insurance Company, where he worked as a cashier, to keep afloat his film production business. One source reported that he had been in hiding for a month, trailed by detectives, while the case of his forgery was made. I do not know if he served any jail time; he is in the 1923 city directory for Santa Monica—as a bookkeeper—but his entry could have been put together much earlier. He was also in the 1928 city directory, listed as a salesman. The 1930 directory has him too, but does not list an occupation.

The 1930 census has him and his family (minus his mother-in-law) in Santa Monica, where he rented a house. He was a salesman, of building materials. The Drakes lived at 1435 Euclid Street. This census tells us that Drake did not serve in World War I; I do not know why. (He did register for the war, though.) I do not otherwise know what he was up to during the 1930s. In 1942, he was living at 2503 4th Street, apartment 4, in Santa Monica. He listed no employer or employment with the draft board.

Six years later, he may have been living in Bell, California—there’s a city directory listing that may have been him—or Santa Monica, but was going by Dr. Eugene H. Drake. I do not know how he earned the honorific. In November, he was advertised as teaching a series of Thursday classes at the Universal Truth Church in Long Beach. The subject was not stated in the newspaper ads. After this, you probably no more than me about him.

He started putting out his books and magazine. He wrote about Mt. Shasta and its “Little People.” He started building his compound in the desert, where he claimed contact with aliens. He was mentioned in the Saturday Evening Post as using special tools in his research. He spoke at the Amalgamated Flying Saucers Club’s first annual convention (1959). He was mentioned in the ‘zine “Understanding.” And he was referenced in “the Journal of Borderland Research.”

We know that the flying saucer contactee Eugene H. Drake was the same as the white-collar worker from the 1920s thanks to “The Open Way,” number 3, 1952, which listed him as one of its members. It gave his address as 1014 So. Lake Street, which was the address given for the Fellowship of Golden Illumination.” It also gave a brief biography, with his birth date—22 September 1889--and his family situation—married with two daughters—which prove that he is the same man. It gives his occupation as “writer, teacher, spiritual healer.” He does not have an honorific—no “Dr.” title, though others in the directory do.

He died 21 February 1973 in Los Angeles. He was 82."

In his first booklet, Visitors from Space, Eugene Drake present this summary of his contact experiences: "For a long time space craft have had this planet under observation. We have been in contact with them since 1930. At that time we were in Santa Monica, and contact was made in a large field where the Santa Monica City College is now located. Only during the past few years have they chosen to reveal their presence." (p. 1) According to Drake the contacts were physical but the space people live at the etheric level of our multiverse and materialize themselves during the contact events.

In his letter to Karl and Amy Veit, September 19, 1961, published in Besucher aus dem Weltraum, Drake makes these interesting comments (my translation): "There are very few people who have had real physical contact with space ships or space people, like ourselves. I have on various occasions experienced how space people appear in condensed form and I could shake their hands. After the contact they disappeared into a higher frequency." Drake makes it very clear that the space people living on planets in our solar system are not organic physical in the ordinary sense but living at the etheric level. This is in accordance with the Esoteric Tradition and was also the interpretation made by Desmond Leslie as to the reality of space people.

Some of the information and message presented in Drake´s two booklets appear as rather unsophisticated and naive mysticism not always especially reliable. But whatever the ontological status of his experiences he is a very important figure in UFO history. Much of what George Adamski said seems almost copied from Drake´s booklets. Scholars of Western Esotericism as well as ufologists could find many fascinating clues to the origin of the UFO movement in studying Eugene Drake. If some of my research collegues and friends worldwide find more data on Drake I hope you will share the information.

A tribute to Mother

On Wednesday, January 11, 2017 my mother Marianne Kantorp, (formerly Gun Blomqvist), died peacefully at Vrinnevi hospital, Norrköping. She spent the last two and a half years at Granen nursing home, Norrköping, where she is greatly missed by the staff because of her cheerful and good-humoured disposition. My mother was born in Karlstad, province of Värmland, 1930 and she lived to be 86 years. In 1953 she married my father Maths Blomqvist. They were divorced in 1991.

Mother, August 16, 2000

I am eternally grateful for the inspiration and good influence mother had on my life. One Winter evening in the beginning of the 1960s, when I was around ten years old, we went for a walk to get rid of some bulky trash nearby our then place of living in Södertälje. It was a beautiful, starry night and mother told me about various constellations and stars. This awe-inspiring experience so greatly influenced me that I as soon as possible visited the local public library to borrow books on astronomy. In 1963 our family moved to a new apartment in Södertälje which made it possible for me to watch the sky from a very good position. I spent many nights there with a small telescope, studying the Moon and counting meteors. Mother constantly admonished me to not to stay out to long as I would catch a cold. During these teenage years I learned as much as I could about astronomy and the Greek and Roman myths and legends behind the constellations.

Mother as a young girl

The middle 1960s was a very active and exciting period of manned spaceflights. I followed with eager anticipation the Gemini spaceflights 1965-1966, collecting press clippings and tape recording as much as I could from radio and TV. A teacher at school noted my dedicated interest and once I was even allowed to skip a lesson to make a tape recording.

My mother was from early in life a spiritual seeker and an avid reader. This deep interest was reflected in the library she built up at our home. There were books on Spiritualism, Theosophy, Anthroposophy, ancient mysteries and all the early UFO contactee books from the Swedish publishing house Parthenon. Authors like George Adamski, Daniel Fry, Ray and Rex Stanford, Elisabeth Klarer a.o. Mother also sometimes consulted various Spiritualist mediums.

One of the books I found in the family library

As a young teenager I discovered these books in our family library and became deeply fascinated by all these subjects, especially UFOs. Mother was somewhat apprehensive of my newly found interests but she was also happy that I shared her interests and we spent many evenings at the kitchen table discussing and pondering all the mysteries of life and the universe. In this respect mother became my first teacher and introducer into the world of the unknown. An interest that eventually developed into a serious research venture and the foundation of Archives for UFO Research - AFU (Archives for the Unexplained) in 1973.

My mothers last visit to AFU, March 27, 2011

My mother´s deep interest in the unexplained was probably partly caused by several paranormal experiences. She often told me of a very physical encounter she had while a young girl of around eight or nine years old. During one Summer day the family was visiting relatives at Sköldinge, Södermanland and was having coffee in the garden. Mother was playing by herself and strolled on a small pathway nearby. At this pathway she suddenly met her grandfather, Lars Johan Karlsson. He patted her on the head and mentioned how much she had grown. They strolled a bit together and mother ran ahead to announce to all the relatives at the coffee-table that grandfather was coming. She was immediately told to be silent by the embarrassed party. Grandfather had recently died but mother was adamant in her conviction that she had just met him on the pathway. She never forgot this intriguing experience and often narrated how very physical the meeting had been to her.

Mother during one of our many holiday trips to Karlstad, Värmland. June 26, 2001

Painting made by mother 1995

In my first UFO book 1993 I wrote this dedication: "To Mother - who inspired me to gaze up at the stars". She truly made me reach for the stars and dedicate my life to the mystery of existence.

Mother with her copy of my first UFO book, December 24, 1993

Bon voyage Mother! I am confident you now have a more pleasant life in another part of the multiverse. I will always cherish your memory and be forever grateful for your love and caring.

The last picture, November 11, 2016

To disclose, or not to disclose, that is the question

The history and future of the UFO movement has always been of great interest to me and I have written several articles pondering this issue. In Norway a new and fascinating constellation is developing. The UFO research organization UFO-Norge (UFO-Norway) has recently merged with NETI (Norwegian Organization for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence), which ideologically has its home base in the Exopolitics and Disclosure movement. The new organization is called Norsk UFOsenter (Norwegian UFO-Center). The merge will be a challenge to both groups but the leaders of UFO-Norway, Ole Braenne and Mentz Kaarbø are confident that the ideological differences will be no problem. This is an exciting development and I hope the merge will benefit UFO research in Scandinavia.

Ole Braenne, chairman of UFO-Norway

The UFO movement in Denmark has taken a very different path. SUFOI (Skandinavian UFO Information) is now part of the Skeptics movement, referring to UFO observations as mere myth and misidentifications. This is an intellectually and scientifically untenable position implying denial of the large amount of empirical evidence of well documented close encounters all over the world. A sad development and demise for the formerly largest UFO organization in Scandinavia. The Skeptics attitude is counterproductive to real UFO research. No close encounter witness would feel confidence in contacting an organization that already has decided that he or she simply has been the deluded by a myth or the victim of a misidentification. This presupposed assertion is not research but skeptical lobbyism.

On September 7, 2012 I was invited by Exopolitics Denmark for a lecture on AFU history and my 40+ years of experience in UFO research. My lecture as well as the conference was heavely criticized and debunked by Lars Thomas of SUFOI who compared it to a Scientology seminar or prayer meeting in church. This criticism came as quite an unexpected and unpleasant surprise as I was unaware of that SUFOI had become an organization of Skeptics. In the ensuing debate I suggested that SUFOI and Exopolitics Denmark should initiate a dialogue with the object of future cooperation in research. Unfortunately my suggestion was not implemented.

Håkan Blomqvist - UFO-Sweden - Copenhagen 2012 from Exopolitics Denmark on Vimeo.

The problem with Exopolitics ideology is the dominant presupposition or assertion that we definitely are being visited by extraterrestrials and that this is known and kept secret by several nations on our planet. The research attitude, on the other hand, regard this as a possibility and one theory of many, not necessarily as THE TRUTH. Among ufologists there are many different views on disclosure or what type of information is hidden and kept secret in intelligence or government archives. If we suppose that some clandestine groups in various nations really know that we are visited by aliens from somewhere and are well aware of what is going on behind the scenes, should they disclose this fact to the public? IF the alien visitors proved to be benevolent, offering help to our troubled planet, I would advocate total disclosure. But unfortunately the issue seem to be somewhat more complicated.

In my investigation and documentation of contactee cases I have found some disturbing and controversial claims that indicate there are both benevolent and possibly hostile visitors behind the UFO phenomenon. Let us, for the sake of argument, suppose that some of the following scenarios or claims are based on fact. On October 29, 1965 the Swedish couple Sture and Turid Johansson had a frightful close encounter with five or six entities with red, shining eyes floating around their car at Väggarö, Sweden. In the morning before this encounter Turid received a mental message that they should go to Väggarö in the evening but "be careful, there is a power struggle going on for this planet". It was the same voice she had heard before but then in a phone conversation.

My illustration of the Väggarö encounter October 29, 1965

In 1967 Sture and Turid Johansson became involved with contactee Richard Höglund. This resulted in several paranormal experiences that affected Turid heavily and she decided to take a vacation going for a boat trip to Norway in the Spring of 1968. One day entering her locked cabin she found a man standing there. Her first reaction was that this must be a hallucination so she locked the cabin and went to another part of the ship. But when she came back this man was still in the cabin and they started a conversation. Now she recognized him from earlier encounters. His hair was long and he was dressed in a grey-green uniform. Turid asked him, why don´t you interfere when you see what is happening on our planet? He answered: "We are no gods and can´t interfere. It is like a bacterium infecting this earth." Turid asked for some form of evidence that this encounter was not a hallucination and then the man told her, among other things, that Martin Luther King would be killed and there were to be massive demonstrations in Paris. Both predictions proved to be true.

Turid Johansson in 1974

The contact experiences of Richard Höglund are unique and intriguing. He was what I have named a reluctant contactee, who didn´t really believe what the aliens told him and he didn´t dare stop working for them because he was afraid. He was very doubtful regarding their true motives and noted that their morals were not high. Richard once told his friend Gösta Johansson: "They can witness the most brutal torture and it matters nothing to them". One of his friends in the Bahamas, had been shot by the visitors when he disclosed to the CIA the location of the Bahama base they used. Richard died in 1977. I interviewed his widow, Gunvor Höglund, on July 8, 1991 and she still after so many years seemed genuinely afraid to reveal all the details of what they had been involved in. Gunvor also had met the aliens.

Richard Höglund in Nassau, Bahamas

Viewing the UFO movement and the contactee scene in a sort of meta-history perspective we notice that in the 1950s there were many benevolent alien contacts giving a message of hope, understanding and goodwill, very much in line with the philosophy presented in the Esoteric Tradition. A fact noticed by esotericist Desmond Leslie. But beginning in the 1960s new and disturbing signs appeared that there were "others" around. We got the Barney and Betty Hill abduction in 1961, a phenomenon which later took almost epidemic proportions in the 1980s. Today there are reported all kinds of weird and not very nice encounters with different types of entities.

American contactee Howard Menger was warned by his space people that he should be aware of false contacts:
"Who are these people? I thought I could listen to any of you.
They´re not US Howard. there are OTHERS operating. I´ll speak of them simply as The Conspiracy... My friend, this earth is the battlefield of Armageddon, and the battle is for men´s minds and souls... You don´t know Howard, that there is a very powerful group on this planet, which possesses tremendous knowledge of technology, psychology, and most unfortunate of all, advanced brain therapy...They use people not only from this planet... but also other people of your own planet - people you don´t know about. People who live unobserved and undiscovered as yet. It is a kind of underground in your popular terminology." (Howard Menger From Outer Space to You, 1959, pp. 142-144.

Picture taken by Howard Menger in 1956

Given that some of these claims and scenarios are true and that various intelligence agencies know this for a fact, would disclosure be a reasonable option? The result would probably be massive paranoia and chaos, especially among all orthodox religious groups. Disclosure at the present politically and culturally chaotic times may not be the best alternative.

A unique document

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic". This classic quote from science fiction author Arthur C Clarke often comes to my mind when studying and documenting UFO close encounter experiences. There are literally thousands of cases where the percipient relates that the UFO or alien beings simply disappeared into thin air. A good example is the observation in Sweden 1970 by witnesses Rolf Gohs and Peter Ingemark, who were very perplexed that the craft they observed suddenly disappeared - like you switch off a lamp.

The object that suddenly disappeared before Gohs and Ingemark

That an advanced civilization can use several means to effect this phenomenon was reported by many of the first generation physical contactees in the 1950s. It could be done by a small technical device, ordinary materialization or holographic technology. George Van Tassel mentioned several of these experiences in his books and newsletter Proceedings. By referring to early contactees like George Van Tassel I am expressing somewhat heretical views in mainstream ufology. So as not to confuse new blog readers, below is a short summary of the Esoteric Intervention Theory I have advanced in books, articles and blog entries.

Some of the physical contactees of the 1950s were involved in a cultural and psychological influence test. An experiment implemented by a group of benevolent alien visitors, earth based or extraterrestrial, a group with access to “vimana” technology. This test was done in co-operation with the Higher Intelligence Agency (HIA), the custodians of the Ancient Wisdom, using a new type of phenomena as attraction as they used spiritualist phenomena in connection with the founding of the Theosophical Society in 1875. Involved in this test was a.o. George Adamski, Orfeo Angelucci, Paul M. Vest, George Van Tassel, Daniel Fry and Howard Menger.

Orfeo Angelucci with his wife Mable

During my many years of investigation and documentation of physical contactee cases I have found enough circumstantial empirical evidence to accept some of the 1950s contact experiences as valid and worthy of further study and analysis. "Scientific" ufology usually regard this group of contactees as charlatans and impostors but I am too old to play the ufologically correct game so instead I adhere to the motto of my old mentor, the late Riley Crabb, for many years director of Borderland Sciences Research Foundation (BSRA): "If I have one goal in life it is an uncompromising search for Truth, whatever that might be, and wherever it may lead."

There is still very little research accomplished nor understanding of what really happened during the first UFO era of the 1950s. Many silent contactees stayed silent and worked behind the scenes. This was mentioned by Rosemary M. Decker in her book 35 minutes to Mars, published by Galde Press, 2004. She became involved with several of the contactees of that time. In the chapter Reminiscences of George Adamski and Company she has this to say anent this era: "Sometimes, guests would report their own close encounters. Very few of them ever publicized their contacts, and so I learned early on that the vast majority of early contacts were never made public, even as today´s are not. Some of these people found ways to express appreciation and do something to benefit our troubled planet... This quiet, but profound, movement is still going on, not only among those pioneers who still remain with us, but among close-encountered people today." (p. 179)

In february 2015 I received a very unusual and fascinating document from an American friend, working behind the scenes with the same group of benevolent visitors who contacted a.o. George Adamski, George Van Tassel, Paul M. Vest and Howard Menger. It was three pages written on an old style typewriter. The headline said: "Impressions of C............. R............ Time: 1 p.m., July 10, 1953 Concerning: "John Doe" Wheeler". I have not been able to find out who C.R. is but presumable he or she was a Theosophist in the California area, because of information in the last sentence. My first thought was that it could have been journalist Manon Darlaine, who was very well informed about the California ufological underground scene in the 1950s, but I don´t know if she was a Theosophist?The papers give a lot of data on one the visitors, known as Mr. Wheeler, also described by George Van Tassel, Paul M. Vest and involved in the controversial Los Angeles Times affair with journalist Maurice Beam. Especially it address the controversial issue of organic versus non-organic beings.

Regarding Wheeler´s physical body it is stated that is "composed of a substance between protoplasm and a moderately stiff jelly... This person may be defined as "android electric energy" or "android energy", i.e., true Absolute energy in the semblance of a human form." Now compare this to the description of Mr. Wheeler (named Bill in his article) given by journalist Paul M. Vest: "I recalled how odd his hand had felt in my grasp. Looking at his hands I noticed that his fingers were long and tapering and so smooth that they seemed to be without joints or underlying bone structure."

From an esoteric viewpoint this comment is significant: "This person, at the moment, represents the level to which homo sapiens may evolve efter the passage of the next 1,000 years of our present progressively intensifying rate of evolution." As to Wheeler´s purpose here: "To link Earth with the planetary communication system".

In his book Venus Rising, author Raymond Andrew Keller II, documents an interesting conversation in the Spring of 1992 with ufologist and contactee Gabriel Green regarding bodies found in crashed saucers: "There were several remarkable differences, but not so outwardly noticeable. First they didn´t have the spiralled DNA strand found in nearly all indigenous life forms on Earth... their cells were actually composed of latticed crystalline hexagonal structures, similar in composition to the walls of their scout craft. It´s almost as though they were artificially constructed beings, designed to easily disassemble or reassemble. But their cells were silicon-based, rather than carbon-based..." p. 172)

A very similar description of space beings is given by the remarkable deep trance medium Mark Probert: "The blood nature of these beings is this: Carbon, Silicon, and Hydrogen. Especially is this true when they take on form so as to be seen by your eyes... Silicon and Carbon makes for strength, as in the case of diamonds, which do not deteriorate except under great heat. This makes these beings very durable. It is likely that in taking form such bodies could suffer such injury as to produce seeming death; but the entity concerned would simply withdraw and reconstruct its vehicle when and where desired." (Round Robin, vol. XIII, no. 1, May-June 1957, p. 13)

Irene and Mark Probert

My American friend who forwarded the Wheeler papers told me of his first experience of the visitors dissolving and forming their bodies, something described by many contactees:  "Before I had my first "visits", I was a total unbelieving skeptic. And I said to them at one point, "give me proof, personally", and I need never ask that again, that´s for sure. When you get proof my friend, you will feel like the world as you knew it has ended.... I remember the first time there was about 5 space people in xx (name withheld) house talking with her as I quietly watched, and then suddenly one of the men turned, looked directly at me, smiled gently, and then very slowly turned to the kitchen room wall and walked right through the wall! I watched this very closely as he then came back in... Let me tell you, those kind of incidents have a very deep and troubling affect on our minds because we cannot comprehend it." (Mail conversation February 25-26, 2012).

Sweden, a failed state - an esoteric view

The best or surest way to make enemies is to write about politics. I have usually refrained from making political comments on my blog as my main interests are UFO research and the the philosophy presented in the Esoteric Tradition. But today the situation in Europé and especially and in Sweden is so extreme and polarised that I decided to make an esoteric interpretation or metapolitical estimate of the present state and future of our country. Naturally this will make me a persona non grata in mainstream society but as a old time classic cultural radical  and esotericist I have often taken the position of the outsider, nor cared much for being politically correct or ufologically correct. As I stated in an earlier blog entry I am too old to play the correct game in any sense. Rather true than nice.

If I today, from a strictly theoretical viewpoint, were forced to vote for a political ideology, the Swedish 1950s variety of Social Democracy would probably be my choice. This is obviously also the view of the Planetary Guardians, according to their ”secretary and organizing contact man”, the adept D.K. (Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age, p. 33, clothbound ed.). Political comments from the Planetary Guardians are especially prevalent in Alice Bailey´s The Externalisation of the Hierarchy where the Labour Movement and Social Democracy receives very favorable comments: ”We come now to the preparatory work being done by the Master Who started what is called by you ”the labour movement”. This is regarded by the Hierarchy as one of the most succesful attempts in all history to awaken the masses of men.” (p. 664, clothbound ed.). But today the Swedish Social Democrats as well the rest of the left have lost all intellectual and political credibility and are living in a dreamworld of naive multiculturalism, like the rest of the politically correct media power elite.

Alice Bailey

In his book The Way of Man, the brilliant and erudite Swedish esotericist Henry T. Laurency presents a rather dystopian prophecy regarding the future of the Swedish nation, which I have often pondered on. It was probably written in the 1950s or 60s. In a chapter on karma he writes: ”One hundred years hence, the Swedish nation will be as poor as it was one hundred years ago. They will be forced to revert to agriculture as the national source of income.” (p. 9.108:4, online ed.). When I first encountered this quote it made no sense to me but today with the rapid increase of violence, rape, shootings and general anarchy all over Sweden this prophecy takes on a new meaning.

The cause of this miserable situation is the tidal wave of migrants and refugees that have been allowed to enter Sweden during the last years. Hundreds of thousands of people coming in a steady stream, many from totalitarian and barbaric countries and cultures incompatible with European or Western values. Especially alarming has been the steady influx of radical moslems of the Salafist variety who with the help of financing from Saudi Arabia are building mosques and schools all over Sweden. Almost all larger Swedish cities now have so-called no-go zones dominated by aggressive young men who regard the area as their territory and where ambulance personnel and firefighters are afraid to enter without heavy police protection. I know this from first hand as I live close to one of these no-go zones, Vivalla in Örebro. A notorius area where car burning and all forms of crime are rampant. It is also a center for islamic fundamentalism of the Salafist variety and many young moslems have here been recruited to the terror organization IS.

From all parts of Sweden, institutions, the police, schools, municipalities and private citizens comes a steady stream of crisis reports and protests because of impossible working or life situations. But our government and the politically correct mainstream media turn a blind eye to the alarming situation for our country and often dismiss critics and whistle blowers with the totally misused word racism. When the old and experienced Swedish policeman Peter Springare in Örebro had enough of lies he wrote on his Facebook page, ”I´m so bloody tired”. He told openly that almost all crimes in Örebro were committed by people whose country of origin is not Sweden, with names like Mahmod, Ali and Mohamad. Springare was immediately accused of hate speech in the media and even the Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven officially criticed this brave policeman who simply told the truth.

Today there is a Facebook group, Stå upp för Peter Springare (Stand Up For Peter Springare), that in just a few weeks have achieved two hundred thousand supporters (200.000), with around two thousand new supporters added every day. This is a rapidly growing social or peoples movement in opposition to the government, the politically correct intellectuals, celebrities and the biased mainstream media who are so blinded by naive multiculturalism that they refuse to face reality.

How come that our government, mainstream media and the cultural elite have abandoned responsibility for the security and welfare of the Swedish nation and people? Other countries are warning for the situation in Sweden and laughing at the totally incompentent, so-called feminist government. Even Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg has stated that if Sweden collapse Norway will close its borders to protect its country. Is it our national karma to have chosen a government incapable of understanding, or refusing to realize how their policy is destroying our nation and culture?

It is often stated that the naivity of Sweden comes from the fact that we for hundreds of years have not experienced war and been forced to fight for freedom, like our neighbours in Norway, Denmark and Finland. During the Second World War we were neutral but in reality supported the brutal Nazi regime by selling Iron to the Nazi war machine and allowing German troop transports across our country. A monumental moral treachery. We let men and women in other countries fight and die for our freedom. We refused to stand up against evil.

The neutrality and moral cowardice Sweden showed during the Second World War is strongly condemned by the adept D.K. in Alice Bailey´s The Externalisation of the Hierarchy. Here a few relevant quotes made during the war:
”… the failure of the neutral nations, in the early stages of the war, to take the needed steps to ally themselves actively with the nations fighting totalitarianism, and their inability to realize the full horror of what lay ahead for mankind.” (p. 367)

”Every nation has also within it those neutrally-minded people who fail to think clearly… who refrain from any active participation in the process of adjustment, from reasons of pride or unwillingness to pay the price. Many of them are group conscientious objectors who will eventually profit by the victory of the Forces of Light but who refuse to share in the struggle… Many are entirely sincere, but their thinking needs adjusting.” (216)

”The neutral powers are still selfish (though they seek by philantropy to veil it). (p. 258)

In the present disastrous situation for Sweden what needs to be done?
1. We need a new government that realize the grave problems facing Sweden and put the welfare and security of the Swedish nation and people as first priority. A government that stops denigrating Swedish culture and Western values and instead make us feel proud of the accomplishments of earlier generations. A government that is feminist not just in words. The only political party with this agenda are the Sweden Democrats.
2. Like Britain we should as soon as possible make a Swexit and leave the European Union and once again become a free nation not governed by the overpaid bureaucrats in Brussels.
3. A complete stop to all migration and asylum seeking in Sweden. The billions spent on migrant projects in Sweden should be refunded to organizations like UNHCR, building safe zones and refugee camps in various countries.
4. We need a renaissance for a true and balanced Nationalism as the best guarantee for democracy and freedom.
5. Mainstream media must once again stand up for the people instead of defending the power elite and the politically correct (corrupt) politicians.

Whether this is possible is an open question. All over Europé we find the same situation, the power elite against the people with the people hoping for a renaissance of real Nationalism and true democracy. Even the much vilified American President Donald Trump is a part of this movement, although he is a complicated trickster and a Joker in the deck that can prove either a curse or a blessing for the United States and the rest of the world. But in Europe there are a few inspiring and visionary political leaders with a clear cut agenda like Marine Le Pen in France and Viktor Orban i Romania. There is of course also a potential danger in the renaissance for Nationalism. The new national-oriented parties may be hijacked by totalitarian right wing extremists, radically orthodox religious politicians or neo-liberal globalists.

”Do you feel that there are no issues and principles which are worth fighting for and dying for, if need be?” is the question put by the adept D.K. to his students (Bailey, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, p. 218). Obviously the Swedish government during the Second World War said no and refused to fight against the brutal tyranny of Nazi Germany. Are Sweden today paying the karmic price for this act of deceit?

I leave the last word to D.K. as a hope and inspiration:
”The Hierarchy is very different from this. Pacifism, as interpreted by you, has no place in its ranks. The destruction of form in battle (which causes so much fear to many of you) is of small importance to those who know that reincarnation is a basic law of nature and that there is no death. The forces of death are abroad today, but it is the death of liberty, the death of free speech, the death of freedom in human action, the death of truth and of the higher spiritual values. These are the vital factors in the life of humanity…” (Bailey, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, p. 232).

Planetary and interplanetary guardians

Before continuing with the theme of this blog I find it necessary to inform all readers of the recent sad course of events. In my latest blog entry I presented some facts regarding the alarming situation in Swedish society, adding  a few political comments. As my views were not politically correct I naturally expected some criticism and a few raised eyebrows. What I didn´t expect though was the total rejection and lack of tolerance for different political opinions by my old UFO collegue and friend Clas Svahn. On his blog Clas referred to me, not mentioning my name, as ”the ugly snout of extremism” (extremismens fula tryne). A rather peculiar comment as I have spent a large part of my life on the barricades fighting both religious and political extremism, left-wing as well as right-wing. Unfortunately my old friend and UFO collegue, like so many in our society have forgotten the words, whether a true quote or not, of that old heretic and non-conformist Voltaire: ”I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it”.

With this attitude by my UFO collegue, trust and continued participation as a board member of AFU and UFO-Sweden would be impossible. My only option was to leave the board of both organizations. A bitter pill to swallow as I became a member of UFO-Sweden in 1970 and was one of the founders of AFU in 1973. But I guess this is the fate of the culture radical and heretic. I have never, and will never be, a yes-man. I still adhere to the motto of my old mentor Riley Crabb: ”If I have one goal in life it is an uncompromising search for Truth, whatever that might be, and wherever it may lead.” My hope is that given time this clash of opinions will come to an end and more normal working relationships can be resumed.

But let´s leave this sad state of affairs to history and continue with a more constructive and inspiring theme, the possibility, or theory, of planetary and interplanetary guardians. In a recent email from the New Zeeland ufologist Bryan Dickeson he mentioned a most interesting observation:
”In 2000, I spoke to a "Probus" group (for retired business people) in Bankstown, Sydney, while involved with UFOR(NSW) -- about UFOs.  I had referred to foo-fighters during World War 2, but had not mentioned the Middle East at all.  Afterwards I was approached by a 65(plus)-year-old gentleman who told me he had been in the Six-Day War as the Commander of a squadron of six Israeli tanks speeding across the Sinai Desert towards the Suez Canal.  He said that they were always aware of these unusual, very bright, star-like objects that hovered all around, a few degrees above the horizon through their entire campaign:

"We knew they weren't ours, or Arabic, or Russian, or American.  No-one knew whose they were, but they were always there, watching, and they were visible on radar.  They never got involved, or made any contact with us, or retaliated in any way, they just watched.  They were seen in all our battle zones throughout the Middle East."” (Email from Bryan Dickeson, February 14, 2017)
This information correspond very well with the findings of American ufologist Robert Hastings who have for many years documented UFO activity at American nuclear weapons sites. Hastings has interviewed more than 150 military veterans involved in UFO incidents at various U.S. missile sites, much of this information presented in his book, published in 2008,  UFOs and Nukes. Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons sites.

Robert Hastings

After many years of research Hastings have arrived at these rather astounding conclusions:
”After researching the UFO phenomenon for 39 years, I must conclude that the technology involved is so advanced that a human origin for it can be automatically ruled out in almost every bona fide sighting case… In my view, the essential message conveyed by our visitors is this: As long as nuclear weapons exist, they remain a potential threat to the future of mankind and to the planet itself. Get rid of them! To make their point, those aboard the UFOs periodically monitor and sometimes interfere with the operational readiness of the missiles.” (Interview on Robert Hastings website).

Anyone with basic knowledge of UFO history will notice that this is almost exactly the message given to the first generation UFO contactees of the 1950s, but this time concluded from empirical evidence. Extraterrestrial visitors arrived as guardians to our planet because of the danger of nuclear war and total destruction of our planet. This was the message of George Van Tassel, Orfeo Angelucci, George Adamski, Daniel Fry, Howard Menger a.o. One of the early UFO books was named The Coming of the Guardians, written by BSRA director Meade Layne. This message was delivered to George Van Tassel on July 18, 1952: ”Your materialists will disagree with our attemp to warn mankind. Rest assured they shall cease to explode life giving atoms, or we shall eliminate all projects connected with such. Our missions are peaceful, but this condition occurred before in this solar system and the planet Lucifer was torn to bits. We are determined that it shall not happen again. The governments of the planet Shan have conceded that we are of a higher intelligence. They must concede also that we are of a higher authority.” (George Van Tassel, I Rode a Flying Saucer, 2nd ed. 1952, p. 32).

In the first volume of his diaries, Forbidden Science. Journals 1957 - 1969, Jacques Vallee discuss the theory of  planetary guardians: ”Has the future spiritual state of man already been achieved by some individuals? Have certain gifted men already achieved contact, on some plane, with those who may be guiding our psychic evolution?” (p. 80). As a student of Hermeticism, Vallee was certainly aware of that this theory is a basic fact in the Esoteric Tradition. Mankind at its present level is only a step in the evolution of consciousness. Their is a fifth kingdom in nature which we will slowly become aware of during the next centuries. Some representatives of this kingdom are living on our planet, bound together in an secret organization, sometimes called the Planetary Hierarchy and which I have referred to as the Higher Intelligence Agency (HIA).

According to esoteric history this organization decided, during a conclave in 1775, that knowledge of their existence on this planet should be made public, beginning in 1875 with the founding of the Theosophical Society in New York. The decision was not unanimous but  regarded as a test to observe how humanity would react to such a new and revolutionary fact. The adept M. explained the problem of this ”disclosure” to his correspondent, journalist A.P. Sinnett: ”… we do not wish Mr.Hume or you to prove conclusively to the public that we really exist. Please realize the fact that so long as men doubt there will be curiosity and enquiry, and that enquiry stimulates reflection which begets effort; but let our secret be once thoroughly vulgarized and not only will sceptical society derive no great good but our privacy would be constantly endangered and have to be continually guarded at an unreasonable cost of power.” (The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett, Letter no. 29, p. 224).

During the Second World War the forces of destruction was so close to get the upper hand that the planetary guardians asked for assistance from the interplanetary guardians. And this assistence came in large numbers. What happened behind the scenes and details of the struggle is told in The Externalisation of the Hierarchy by Alice Bailey:
April 1935: "... the regenerative forces of Those extraplanetary Beings Who offer Their Help at this time." (p. 25)
April-May 1940: "Hovering today within the aura of our planet are certain great spiritual Forces and Entities, awaiting the opportunity to participate actively in the work of world redemption, re-adjustment and reconstruction.... the waiting extra-planetary Forces." (p. 222-223)
April 1943: "Certain great Energies of extra-planetary significance Who stand ready to intervene..." (p. 392).

That there was co-operation between the planetary and interplanetary guardians was confirmed by that extraordinary organization Borderland Sciences Research Association (BSRA) in 1951. Their motto at the time is interesting: ”Serving Higher Intelligence since 1945”.  Here is a quote from a Seance Memoranda From the Inner Circle, November 28, 1951: ”There is a certain secret work going on at present between the Etherians and certain high earth authorities (You understand, I suppose, that I do not use the word ”high” in the usual sense. I am referring to those belonging to some of the secret Lodges on Earth). This work has to do with the great possibility of the Earth´s destruction… These men have landed in Australia in a secret landing field. They have not only been to Scotland, but to high authorities in England, and to a few of your men and women here of high standing (I refer to the secret Orders).” (p. 30)

Meade Layne, founder of BSRA

Information about co-operation between the planetary and interplanetary guardians was also given to some of the first generation UFO contactees:
”The spacecraft that are appearing today are under the direction of the hierarchy of their own planets and are working in close harmony with the masters and mystery schools of the hierarchy on Earth… Thus we see that there is a definite connection between the mystery schools and the UFO. They are really one and the same force in operation… the UFO are in our skies, and we are talking with space me who tell us the same thing that the mentors of this planet have been telling us for many centuries.” (George Hunt Williamson & John McCoy, UFOs Confidential, p. 70)

Because of the critical situation for our planet the interplanetary guardians, in co-operation with the planetary guardians, made a psychological experiment and information effort in the 1950s, to make the general public aware of their existence and why they are here. The experiment was soon terminated but the outcome was a greater awareness and expanding consciousness of our multiverse and its inhabitants. After this experiment they choose to work covertly, behind the scenes. This unhappy planet Earth is today in a very critical condition. Our survival as a kingdom in nature is still at stake. Whether the forces of destruction or construction will win this battle is an open question.

American contactee Daniel Fry was in a very straightforward manner told of our choice:
”There is nothing that is intrinsically wrong with your material science. It will progress and expand to horizons as yet undreamed of, if only your people will provide a spiritual foundation capable of supporting it.
And if they do not? I asked.
Then your civilization will go down, Alan replied slowly.
It will destroy itself in a holocaust which will leave few survivors. Those who do survive will have neither the ability nor the desire to rebuild their science…
Your race and your culture, however, are not doomed to extinction. They may continue upon their upward course until they have left this danger behind them forever.
The choice, you see, is yours.
There is little doubt, I said, which choice the people would make if they had sufficient understanding and they were aware of  the constructive and destructive alternatives between which they should choose.
Precisely, Alan replied. That is why we are here, and that is why you are here.”
(Daniel Fry, The White Sands Incident, Best Books Inc., 1966, pp. 83-84)

Daniel Fry in Sweden 1970

The Blue John case and covert activities

In his groundbreaking 1983 book George Adamski – The Untold Story, co-written with Lou Zinsstag, Timothy Good refer briefly to an old friend he had known for a long time who had met the same or a similar group of benevolent visitors as George Adamski. Although he had not at the time permission to reveal the name of the witness, nor the details of the experiences he stated that it was ”for me the most reliable contact case I have yet encountered” (p. 195).

In a letter to Timothy Good in 1984 I asked why he regarded her as reliable: "Re. my contactee friend. Why reliable? I have known her since 1952 and can vouch for her integrity. She has never tried to capitalise on the story, and, indeed, is unable to discuss all the details, due partly the the ET`s ability to control her memory of certain things they told her, and also because she was in the Maquis (French Resistance) in the last war, and thus is able to keep some information to herself. I hope one day to be able to publish the story" (Letter August 28, 1984).

The witness in this contact story died in 1995 and subsequently Timothy Good could publish all the details in his 1998 book Alien Base, although he didn´t reveal the full name of the witness, only calling her Joelle, ”because she was reluctant even to have the story published  after her death” (p. 248). But already in 1989 I was informed of her full name, Mrs Joelle Marchemont, by ufologist Norman Oliver, who had also been involved in the case (Letter, September 1, 1989). Timothy told me later that ”I introduced several ufologists to ”Pixie” (as I called her), including Norman Oliver” (email, March 23, 2008).

The nine pages covering the so-called Blue John case have been published on the internet, so here is just a short summary of the story:
Joelle was born in St Petersburg, Russia in 1914. After the war she worked in Paris and later moved together with her husband and two daughters, Frederique and Isabelle, to London. In September 1963 Joelle was in the Sheffield area conducting a house-to-house field survey for a market research company. In one of the houses Joelle visited she noticed an unusually large amount of modern-looking gadgets, including a large radio transceiver. The lady in the house, Rosamund,  explained that her husband was a scientist and radio amateur. When Rosamund briefly left the room Joelle heard a message in English from the radio: ”Will be at Blue John tomorrow 4.30 p.m. – Mark”. She wrote down the message but when Rosamund came back she was only informed that message had come through. This obviously chocked Rosamund. Because of her background in the French resistance during the war Joelle suspected she had uncovered an international spy-ring and decided to go to the Blue John caves at the time mentioned.

On Monday September 16, 1963 she went by car to the this area and parked at a vantage spot overlooking the valley – and waited. At 4.30 p.m. Joelle noticed a brilliant light in the sky which came to rest several hundred yards from her position. The glow ceased and a disc-shaped aircraft appeared instead, landing on tripod landing legs. A man in a one-piece suit stepped out of the craft and simultaneously a man appeared coming from a car parked nearby. Joelle recognized the car as the one that had been parked outside Rosamund´s house. The two men greeted each other warmly and walked towards the car which drove away. The craft began to glow, lift off from the ground shooting off at a fantastic speed.

At that time Joelle did not accept the existence of flying saucers and believed the craft to be some sort of secret Russian aircraft. She decided to go back to Rosamund´s house to find out more and then perhaps report the incident to the police. When she knocked at the door the scientist husband, in the story named Jack, opened the door but was reluctant to let Joelle in. At that point Mark, now in terrestrial clothes, interjected ”that´s all right, let her in”. Joelle tried to present a cover story that she needed some more answers for her field survey. Mark understood that this was a lie and said: ”Why don´t you tell us the real reason why you are here?...You came here because you saw my craft and wanted to find out what was going on”.

Joelle was ”let in” on the truth and spent a large part of the night talking with the visitor. She gradually accepted that Mark was indeed a man from another planet. For the next fifteen months Joelle had several meetings with Mark and another visitor, Val. Two times they met in Joelle´s flat in London. These men claimed they were secretly working together with a team of scientists from several nations. At one occasion Joelle was invited to inspect one of their craft that had landed close to the Welsh border. She helped the visitors in a number of ways. Val and Mark were extremely refined, fair-skinned with perfect teeth, very kind and perfect gentlemen with lots of humour.
In 1967, three years after the last meeting with Mark and Val, Joelle claimed to have been visited by two men from the Home Office in London. They wanted to know about the disappearance of Jack and Rosamund and som other scientists. The men were aware of the contact story but Joelle refused to answer some of their questions. Neither did she tell all she knew to Timothy Good. One of the things mentioned by Mark and Val was that their group would intervene in the event of a nuclear catastrophe, if it threatened to destroy our planet. She was also informed that we are spiritual beings, surviving death. The experiences with Mark and Val remained a treasured and vivid memory for Joelle all her life.

To my knowledge not much has been written about this extraordinary story, nor has any ufologist tried to follow up on the case, with the exception of Norman Oliver. In the British UFO magazine Gemini, vol. 1, no. 3, July-September 1972, pp. 9-13 Oliver did write a summary of the case with a few added details. The lack of follow-up was explained to me in a letter from Norman Oliver: ”To the best of my knowledge she only repeated her claim of the Blue John events to three or four people and specifically requested that it not be checked out further.” (Undated letter, September 1991).
In an earlier letter Norman Oliver did mention some interesting facts not presented in his article: ”No follow-up was possible as those concerned was said by ”Joan” (Joelle-HB) to have left the country soon afterwards, as indeed she did herself: an interesting point, incidentally, was that she herself held no nationality. The area of the occurrence was visited on several occasions and there would seem to be no obvious reason, son far as the terrain is concerned, why events might not have occurred as she stated…” (Letter, September 1, 1989).

Norman Oliver´s diagram of the Blue John area

The problem with this case is that there is only one witness, Mrs. Joelle Marchemont, and very little circumstantial evidence to support the story. But in his article Norman Oliver mention one intriguing detail. ”Joan had subsequent meetings with all three (visitors-HB), but didn´t give further details beyond saying that this spaceman was allegedly for sending another to see Waveney Girvan, then editor of Flying Saucer Review, shortly before his death… It was not until 1970 that I was told, quite out of the blue by a speaker who had come down to a Kensington meeting, of a luncheon engagement kept with Waveney Girvan some weeks only before his untimely death. He had then told his two guests that he had been visited by a man who alleged he was an extra-terrestrial, and who had related the Blue John episode to him… To me, this was a most remarkable coincidence unless, of course, a ”contrived” one with the object of perpetrating a hoax. This seems a little unlikely to me however, and would I am sure, if it were the case, have been discovered by Waveney could he have continued investigations… One of those in whom Waveney confided details of his visitor is a contributor in this issue of Gemini; the other is equally well-known.”

Norman Oliver 2013

There have been several cases of ”exchange of personnel” with UFOs and cars involved. John Keel, R. Perry Collins, Ardy Sixkiller Clarke a.o. have documented such stories, as I mentioned in my blog entry UFOs and covert activities. Based on the data we have there appears to be several different type of visitors as ”aliens among us”, possibly with different agendas. But the alien visitors who Joelle Marchemont became involved with obviously were benevolent and were here to help this unhappy little planet. At the same time they were pretty realistic about our future. They once remarked to Joelle: ”What a beautiful planet. Such a pity your´re destroying it” (Timothy Good, Alien Base, p. 256).

Where are the UFO detectives?

”Where are the UFO detectives?”, is the very relevant question asked by Jacques Vallee in his classic tome Messengers of Deception (p. 222, 1979 ed.). I often ponder on this problem myself when following what mainstream, scientifically oriented, ufologists spend their time on studying and publishing. Endless discussions about ordinary UFO reports which more than often prove to be misidentifications of planets, airplanes, insects caught on digital cameras  etc. or reports that have rather obvious psychological explanations. Why all this distractive activity when there are literally thousands of very intriguing close encounter and physical contact stories just waiting to be examined? The only cases that can give us actual data on the real UFO enigma.

I discussed this problem with ufologist Lucius Farish in the 1980s and we both voiced our frustrations regarding the research situation in the UFO community: ”You made a comment in your letter which should be the motto of anyone who dares to call himself a Ufologist – ”To hell with the scientists, I want the truth!”. That expresses my feelings perfectly! As you say, the so-called ”scientific ufologists” are so concerned with their ”image” that they are almost totally useless when it comes to actual research. If one already knows the answers or knows what it is and is not ”possible”, there is no need to research. It is really a deplorable situation. I have no hesitation in telling people what I think about groups and individuals who refuse to do what they should do.” (Letter from Lou Farish, April 21, 1985).

Lucius Farish 1937 - 2012 

When it comes to investigating physical contactee cases even Allen Hynek and Jacques Vallee failed as UFO detectives and simply dismissed many of these encounters with a priori debunking pronouncements. In 1967 Andrew Tomas presented Jacques Vallee with a summary of the Blue John case, which I mentioned in my last blog entry. Vallee wrote about this meeting with Tomas in Forbidden Science I: ”He told me a long, intricate story of a London woman who is said to have intercepted a Morse message between an extraterrestrial and a British physicist. She went secretly to the appointment, saw the whole thing and revealed her presence. The rest of it is an undocumented tale with the usual garbage about Aliens who come from very far away and learn our language while they sleep during their long trip. It happened in 1962 and the woman´s name was Mrs. Marchwood. I listened politely to all this, took my leave and went to catch the bus that would bring me back to my computer.” (p. 328).

What many scientific ufologists fail to recognize is that this kind of emotional response is simply a reflection of the naive new age ufologists who already know the answer without investigation. Mention the name George Adamski or Howard Menger among serious scientific ufologists and you will without hesitation receive comments like liar, fraud, cultist, charlatan etc. without much argumentation or discussion.

There are of course ufologists who dare to go beyond the accepted mainstream pathways but they are usually lone wolf investigators, not active in UFO organizations. Researchers like John Keel, Timothy Good, Ardy Sixkiller Clarke and Robert Hastings, to name just a few. They combine personally investigated data, thoroughly documented with intriguing theories. This is real UFO research, addressing the most complicated and challenging close encounter and contact cases.
As I mentioned before there appears to be several groups of alien visitors from somewhere, involved in different type of activities on our planet. Based on contactee cases I have personally investigated some are benevolent, others neutral och a few decidedly hostile or dangerous. Of the benevolent variety we find the visitors behind such names as George Adamski, Orfeo Angelucci, George Van Tassel, Howard Menger a.o.

Whether they are really neutral is difficult to surmise but in this category I would place the contact experiences of the Swedish lady Anna and her husband. A summary of their story can be found on two earlier blog entries, We flew in from the east, part 1 and We flew in from the east, part 2.
Probably hostile or dangerous alien visitors were involved in the Richard Höglund case. Gösta Johansson, friend of Richard, was in 1968 told that if he wished to become involved with the visitors it could be arranged. In an interview Gösta told me: ”I didn´t want anything to do with them. They really scared me and I said to myself. God help me if I become involved with these people”. Gösta was convinced this alien group were a kind of mafia, simply using their contactees. An interesting detail in this case is that Richard and his wife Gunvor for a short while worked in the Bahamas for Louis (Lou) Chesler, front man for the famous organized crime boss Meyer Lansky.

Gösta Johansson 1921 - 1993

The dilemma of Gösta Johansson could of course be faced by any investigator of contactee cases. And then it becomes a real moral problem. Suppose you get one hundred percent personal proof that a real contact with some type of visitors is going on. If it is a benevolent contact you don´t wish to disclose details that could hurt or complicate the contact. If the contact is destructive, going to the police is not an option. Who would believe you? I guess this is the dilemma facing the small specialized groups within the intelligence community who are aware of the situation and covertly trying to handle it to the best of their abilities.

It appears that the American ufologist Carol Honey faced this dilemma, after his involvement with George Adamski. As revealed in his Science Publications Newsletter. He was contacted by the visitors himself and came to realize the depth and complications of the enigma and the problems of communicating this to the public. In a letter 1968 to Edith Nicolaisen, founder of the Swedish publishing company Parthenon, Honey wrote: ” George Adamski went off the beam before he died and many statements he made has destroyed much of the good he did previously. I can only back up the information in his first three books and most of this I can´t back up with physical evidence. I have had personal experiences myself which proved a lot of things to me but I will not make them aviable to a skeptical public." (Letter, February 10, 1968).

Carol Honey 1928 - 2007

Books like Operation Trojan Horse by John Keel, Messengers of Deception by Jacques Vallee, Alien Base by Timothy Good and Encounters With Star People by Ardy Sixkiller Clarke ought to make ufologists aware of the real UFO enigma behind the ordinary and trivial reports. It involves so much more than misidentifications of the planet Venus or vapor trails. But to realize this and become involved with these aspects the ufologist must also be a passionate UFO detective.

Esotericism for Dummies

During my student years at Stockholm University in the 1970s I did a rather extensive study of the Kabbalah, resulting in a short thesis on the early Merkabah mysticism, presented at the History of Religion department. As an addition to my academic studies I also read every book I could find on the Kabbalah, written by various exponents of the Western Mystery Tradition, authors such as Dion Fortune, Gareth Knight, W.E. Butler, A.E.Waite a.o.

On July 29, 1975 I recorded a fascinating dream in my diary. I found myself in an antiquarian bookshop in Stockholm. Perusing the Esoterica shelves I noted a small volume with the title For One Penny Kabbalah. A sort of easy to understand primer or in todays language,  Kabbalah for Dummies. I bought the book of course. This dream reminds me of the difficulty in suggesting books on Esotericism for those who are not familiar with the subject. As I often  refer to the Esoteric Tradition and Esotericism on my blog, readers now and then ask for guidance in finding literature for beginners.

Unfortunately I must confess that I have not found any book I can, without reservations, recommend as a beginners guide to Esotericism. Much useful information can be found in the early Theosophical (Adyar) literature although somewhat outmoded and not always accurate in detail, as it was the first public attempt to explain esotericism. The many books written by Alice Bailey, amanuencis for the Tibetan adept D.K., are a treasure trove of esoteric information but most of them are too difficult for the beginner as they are written for the advanced student. The best introduction to esotericism so far published on this planet are the books by the Swedish esotericist Henry T. Laurency: The Philosopher´s Stone and Knowledge of Reality. They appeal primarily to scholars, intellectuals and philosophers. But there is still no introduction to esotericism especially aimed at the strictly empirical scientist who demand well documented empirical data supporting the esoteric worldview. There are indications that this will be the next project implemented by the planetary guardians.

If you are satisfied with the prevalent materialist, reductionist worldview or adhere to some orthodox theology, of whatever religion, stop reading here as esotericism will for you only be intrepreted as irrational fantasies or dangerous hereticism. Better then to return to the safe world of mainstream science and the secure embrace of your church. But for the critical but open minded seeker this very short Esotericism for Dummies, with some relevant quotes and literary references, may be of help in discovering the philosopher´s stone.

Because of personal experiences, years of study and investigation of UFO and paranormal phenomena or simply by gazing at the night sky pondering and contemplating the greatest enigma of them all – the existence of consciousness in the universe – you have been convinced that ”there are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy”. As a corollary to this heureka moment you have also come to understand that we live in a multiverse of sentient beings and energies that humanity on this planet are not normally aware of.

If there is a multiverse inhabited by various sentient beings of different evolution and intelligence there must also be a science of the multiverse. Which implies that it is reasonable to assume the existence of "scientists" of the multiverse or custodians of knowledge so far not discovered by mainstream science. Now you have arrived at the fundamentals of The Esoteric Tradition or The Ancient Wisdom. Standing before the portal you may open the door to a new world. But tread lightly, with care and common sense, because this is dangerous territory where it is very easy to get lost.
A stumbling block is how to discover and define esotericism? Can any teachings be regarded as esotericism simply because the proponents of some author or mystery school use this term? Is the writings of Rudolf Steiner, Martinus, René Guenon, Krishnamurti, Elisabeth Clare Prophet, Helena Roerich a.o. to be regarded as esotericism? How do you know that what I define as esotericism is real knowledge of the multiverse? The simple answer is, you don´t, as you can´t verify the information given. You can only rely on your own knowledge, experience and common sense in answering this question.

For the open minded scholar studying esotericism the advice by Henry T. Laurency should be remembered to keep a psychological balance and intellectual integrity: “Even if by thorough study you are however much convinced that the hylozoic system agrees with reality, yet you must view it as a working hypothesis... This principled attitude is necessary to avoid all manifestations of dogmatism, fanaticism, and intolerance." (Henry T. Laurency, Knowledge of Life Four, 1995, online ed. p. 29-30). This is also the position recommended by the Tibetan, D.K., in the books written by Alice Bailey: "Our attitude should be that of reasonably enquiry and our interest that of the investigating philosopher, willing to accept a hypothesis on the basis of its possibility... Those open minded investigators who are willing to accept its fundamentals as a working hypothesis until these are demonstrated to be erroneous. They will be frankly agnostic..." (Alice Bailey, A Treatise on White Magic, 1971 (orig. 1934, pp 6, 32).

Esotericism is the science of the multiverse, the knowledge of reality offered mankind by individuals belonging to the next or fifth kingdom in nature, our future in evolution. It is not some vague form of mysticism but as exact as any academic discipline.
”It is necessary to assert with vigour that esoterics is a summary of the facts which mankind has received from the planetary hierarchy and which are beyond the range of what is possible for human beings to ascertain.” (Henry T. Laurency, Knowledge of Life Three, 17.1:4 online ed).
”Esotericism is not in any way of a mystical and vague nature. It is a science – essentially the science of the soul of all things – and has its own terminology, experiments, deductions and laws.” (Alice Bailey, Education in the New Age, p. 64)

Alice Bailey

Terminology is still a great problem in esotericism as anyone can acertain reading Theosophical classics as well as Alice Bailey. Much confusion exists as terms are used which are not clearly defined and with different meaning in various esoteric books. Bailey´s teacher D.K. often commented on this issue:  ”A new and deeper esoteric terminology is badly needed.” (Alice Bailey, Telepathy, p. 131). The Swedish esotericist Henry T. Laurency has made a commendable effort introducing a new and better terminology in his works. But he as well as Bailey still use the word planetary hierarchy as the name for the organization of adepts on earth guiding our evolution. Personally I prefer the term planetary guardians or the more iconoclastic Higher Intelligence Agency (HIA). Neither does the term master appeal to me as it immediately is associated with religion. Adept or teacher is preferable as most adepts are living in physical bodies on earth and appear very ”normal” in all respects.
"They will stand forth as living examples of goodwill, of true love, of intelligent applied wisdom, of high good nature and humour, and of normalcy. They may indeed be so normal that recognition of what they are may escape notice.. I would here remind you that many of the Masters are married and have raised families." (Bailey, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, p. 699).

Esotericism is not to be confused with the mysticism of Swedenborg, Rudolf Steiner, Martinus, etc. who built their worldviews on the very unreliable astral clairvoyance instead of information from the planetary guardians. This common mistake among mystics was explained
 already in that pioneering book The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett:
” And, you have heard of and read about a good many Seers, in the past and present centuries, such as Swedenborg, Boehme, and others. Not one among the number but thoroughly honest, sincere, and as intelligent, as well educated; aye, even learned… Tell me, my friend, do you know of two that agree? And why, since truth is one, and that putting entirely the question of discrepancies in details aside — we do not find them agreeing even upon the most vital problems..." (Letter 48).
”Unless regularly initiated and trained — concerning the spiritual insight of things and the supposed revelations made unto man in all ages from Socrates down to Swedenborg and "Fern"— no self-tutored seer or clairaudient ever saw or heard quite correctly." (Letter 40).

The intellectual and cultural elite will probably not pay much attention to esotericism until we have a breakthrough in our knowledge of the multiverse. A revolutionary discovery is awaiting mankind that will force many advanced scientists and scholars to consider esotericism as a reasonable theory, paradigm or working hypothesis.  This paradigm shift will be ushered in by science. Perhaps this was one reason that the adept K.H. already in 1882 exclaimed ”Modern science is our best ally”. (The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett, letter 11, p.63)

A very fascinating and promising prophecy in esoteric literature is that within a hundred years we will be able to photograph and film phenomena of the etheric world and other parts of the multiverse. If this prophecy is correct that would be the definite end of materialism as a mainstream academic worldview.
”Our modern philosophers and scientists are not in a position to understand the importance of hylozoics as a working hypothesis. It is not intended for them. When research has advanced so far, however, that the existence of a particular physical etheric world has been recognized and the existence of an etheric envelope attached to the organism has been discovered, so many other discoveries and so many confirmations of the facts of esoterics will follow suit that many people will accept hylozoics as the best working hypothesis. We may expect a revolutionary discovery to be made around the year 2025.” (Henry T. Laurency, Knowledge of Life Two, 9.4:4 online ed.)
”In the coming centuries, man´s normal habitat will be the entire physical plane up to, though not including, the second subplane. The forth and third etheric levels will be as familiar to him as the usual physical landscape to which he is now accustomed… Men in their etheric bodies will be noted, and communicated with, and the devas and elementals of the ethers will be studied and recognized.” (Alice Bailey, A Treatise On Cosmic Fire, p. 474).

These discoveries will slowly change our entire culture. We will finally have scientific evidence that there is no death, only a change of form. A sort of re-enchantment of the world advocated by scientists and scholars (instead of disenchantment), to use the terminology of sociologist Max Weber. It will also be realized that the Esoteric Tradition or science of the multiverse is and have always been the, more or less hidden, third intellectual force or pillar in cultural history alongside religion and science.

Howard Menger interview 1978

Since 1983 I have been corresponding with British UFO investigator and author Timothy Good. We have exchanged data, photos, documents and ideas, especially relating to the more controversial classic contactee cases of the 1950s. My last communication with Tim was in February 2016 and since then he hasn´t answered any email. As I have received no explanation for this silence I do hope he is, as usual, busy with investigations worldwide.

Timothy Good 1998

For two days, on October 27-28, 1978 Timothy Good together with Lou Zinsstag interviewed Howard Menger and his wife Connie at their home in Vero Beach, Florida. Some extracts from this interview was printed in Timothy Good´s book Alien Base (1998). Many years ago Tim sent me a copy of the complete transcript of the interview, 26 pages. Much of the information in this interview has never been published and I don´t think Tim would mind if I share some of these unique data.

In 1991 Howard and Connie Menger published The High Bridge Incident. The Story Behind the Story. The introduction was written by Dr. Berthold E. Schwarz, MD, a close friend of the Menger family and one of the few professionals to have investigated the UFO contact experiences of Howard Menger. In a letter to me May 29, 1986 Dr. Schwarz gave his opinion that ”the contact claims of Howard Menger is far from being an open and shut or black and white matter.” He reiterates this view in the introduction: ”The time is operripe for reopening the Howard Menger file and beginning anew.”

Howard and Connie Menger in the 1950s

In several blog entries I have advanced the theory that Howard Menger was a genuine contactee involved in a psychological and sociological experiment implemented by a group of benevolent visitors from somewhere. But like many other true contactees he didn´t understand all that happened to him and also became involved with various intelligence agencies, which further complicated the situation. This becomes very evident in the interview by Tim and Lou.

At the time of the interview in 1978 Howard speculated or wondered whether the visitors he met really came from Venus?
HM: Well, I asked them where they came from, and they told the truth, but I believe it´s a possibility that I might have distorted that answer. You see, when they say they have just come from a planet we call Venus, that doesn´t mean they are Venusians, but I interpreted it as that…. But I think that I might have been wrong. According to what they told me, they led me to believe that there´s no life on any of the planets in this solar system – I mean such as we people.”

Photograph taken by Howard Menger 1956

Here it looks like Howard don´t recollect what he was told of life in our solar system and explained in his book From Outer Space to You, that organic life exists only on our planet but the space people in our solar system live in another part of the multiverse, normally not visible to us: ” "For instance, on Venus and Saturn the rate of vibration is much higher, and renders corporeal structures more tenous; and if an Earth man in physical body could go there he probably would not see some to the life forms which vibrates more rapidly than his own - no more than he can see the spiritual life forms in and around his own planet." (p. 126-127)

HM: ”I would say that it is very possible that there are civilizations that are right on this planet… that are living right here on this planet – underground. They don´t want anything to do with us, because of the radiation.

TG: So, you think that the people you met were from this planet? I´ll re-phrase that, were from a superior technology, a superior civilization on this planet?

HM: They are definitely superior spiritually, and their technology was superior, and their bodies were superior.

TG: And they had what could be construed as space vehicles?

HM: They are extra-terrestrial vehicles: they could go into outer space, yes.

TG: Yeah, but you still don´t think that that necessarily means that they came from space… Do you think they were borrowing them, or do you think they have space travel capability?

HM: There are so many theories. You see, I wish I knew one answer and one only. Wouldn´t that solve a lot of problems. But you see… this whole thing is so complex”

This discussion is interesting as Menger in From Outer Space to You was told that there are secret earth-based groups using flying saucers: "There are also space craft, though of inferior design, which are built by people of this planet. These people are in communication and in service with people from other planets. They are people who possess a high spiritual understanding and have reached an awareness of natural law..." (p. 159)

In the 1978 interview there is much discussion about the reason for the test made by the visitors in the 1950s and whether it was successful.
HM:” They said I did a good job; that the mission that they had set up and had now recorded was successful in the sense that they now know that Earth people were not ready… in other words that they couldn´t get involved with the majority of people on this planet… oh, there were all kinds of blocks: religious blocks, scientific blocks – and they did use the word ”blocks” – spiritual blocks… We´ve found now that the people are not ready for 80% of what we have to… It was a gauge to find out how people would react.”

TG: ”When were your last contacts, Howard? Have they tapered off spasmodically?

HM: Yeah, I´ve had a few phone calls though, so they haven´t forgotten me…They said that they contact me in two years. They did – phone call. That was all, very short… personal. And they said they´d call again in two years. Every two years I get a call… It seems like the same guy… And that´s what keeps me sort of on the road – that it happened, you know, And they haven´t deserted me… that it´s not a total loss. And they said they are still working, that they´ve got other plans, other places…”

From several different sources I have received information that many more individuals than is generally known were involved in the 1950s experiment by this benevolent groups of visitors and given different missions to carry out. Some couldn´t handle the situation. The test put a tremendous psychological strain on the contactees who sometimes acted irrationally and didn´t understand what was happening to them. Some lost their head in the glamour of publicity and embellished their stories with faked encounters and photographs. According to my contactee source this became the fate of the most famous of them all, George Adamski:”… all the glory and attention of being recognized by the general public went to his head, and eventually the contacts he was getting stopped, bu the kept trying to ride the dead horse, because the fame of all of it went to his head.” (Email October 22, 2012)

My contactee source gave some further comments on this problem: ”They said to me that out of the 100´s of contacts, that every contactee agreed emphatically to carry out the specific mission given to them, but that only less than 1% of these contacts carried out that promise to them, as most of them just went about glorifying their ego´s by making books and movies or being a famous contactee.” (Email February 19, 2015).

In the interview Howard mention some interesting information he received from the visitors: ”We´re not really the body. We´re just light, is what they said. In fact, they have pictures of the soul rising from a person who is dead. There´s something in us that goes back to the All – the All-intelligence. There´s something in us that does not die. And it can go back into a new body.” As I related in my former blog entry, this is often mentioned in esotericism as a very challenging scientific discovery to be made in the near future.

Howard Menger

Howard and Connie Menger had many hard and exhausting problems because of their involvement with the visitors. If was often more a curse than a blessing. At one time they visited a Catholic priest as they thought it would do some good.
”I don´t think it did a bit of good… but the priest was dyed-in-the-wool, which I interpreted as distortions of the truth…I just couldn´t get through to him. In fact, one time he came to our house, and he brought two nuns with him, and it was really a circus, in the sense that he said that I needed help; that I´d been contacted by the devil! I laughed in his face… I was so strong after the contact in not only beautiful spiritual knowledge that they had given me… and I think that if anybody needed help, the priest and his nuns did… that´s when my wife and everybody left the church.”

During the interview Howard gave this view of the visitors: ”It´s  my opinion that they don´t really want anything to do with us, because if they did have anything to do with us it wouldn´t amount to anything but more problems, because greed is inborn in us.” Howard also mention the idea of planets as penal colonies, implying that earth is a sort of interplanetary Alcatraz: ”… our scientists are already thinking what I thought a long time ago, we´ll have penal colonies… instead of having gaols, we´ll take all the people who are mentally… murders, rapists, robbers, and just take them and put them on another planet to work out their own problems…” Unfortunately our planet earth, has been chosen as an interplanetary penal colony, so it´s only natural that benevolent visitors are very careful in their contacts with earth people.

The well meaning and naive man or woman on the street naturally ask: if this group actually exist why don´t they show themselves in the open? I think the best answer was given by the "Venusian" Bill to journalist and esotericist Paul M. Vest: "Upon your earth the mere colour of one´s skin - a slight difference of religious belief - merely belonging to a different race or country - in fact the most trivial deviations precipitate animalistic belligerencies, hideous brutalities and the bloody slaughter of millions of your fellow creatures. Can you then truly be surprised when I tell you the the beings of certain other worlds view earth as earthlings might look upon a den of deadly serpents stinging each other to death."

Many years after the active contact experiences Howard and Connie summarized the whole episode with the visitors in their book The High Bridge Incident: ”Even if they were not extraterrestrials, they were intelligent, advanced people who had a technology to be envied and a philosophy that was inspiring. Maybe, they are the prototype of the enlightened, advanced human race on earth to come. If so, we can have hope for the future.” (p. 108).

T. Bryon Edmond - ufologist and esotericist

Serious investigators of UFO and paranormal phenomena sometimes, after many years, enter the ardous journey of proceeding from mere documentation of phenomena to philosophy searching for the elusive truth. Expressed in a different way, researchers hope to find a new paradigm or working hypothesis to account for all unexplained phenomena as the mainstream materialist, reductionist paradigm has become an intellectually untenable position. This journey proves a real challenge as there is a veritable smorgasbord of alternative worldviews and philosophies.

Here a few examples of alternative paradigms advocated by ufologists and other authors: Allen Hynek and Gordon Creighton (Anthroposophy), Jacques Vallee (Hermeticism), Gerard Aartsen (Benjamin Creme), Andrew Tomas (Nicholas Roerich), Charles Upton (René Guénon). Readers of this blog are aware of that I have for some years argued for the Esoteric Tradition as presented by a.o. Helena Blavatsky, Charles Leadbeater, Alice Bailey and Henry T. Laurency as the best alternative paradigm or working hypothesis. Simply because in my view these authors represent the most articulate, scholarly and intellectual efforts to formulate esotericism as a science of the multiverse.  A worldview and profound philosophy that can be accepted as a working hypothesis by critical and scientifically minded scholars and researchers.

Unfortunately the ufologists who have discovered and used this paradigm in their research are a rare species indeed on this planet. Two of the most prominent are Desmond Leslie and Riley Crabb, director of Borderland Sciences Research Foundation (BSRF) 1959-1985. As an esotericist Riley Crabb even made this project his motto as expressed in his first editorial in the journal Round Robin July-August 1959: "Since coming to the mainland my lectures have been concerned with the problem of relating Flying Saucer data, and phenomena, to the teachings of the Mystery Schools. I believe you´ll agree this is no easy task. If I have one goal in life it is un uncompromising search for Truth, whatever that might be, and wherever it may lead."

Riley Crabb

In this blog entry I wish to re-introduce a British gentleman, T. Bryon Edmond, who was both a knowledgeable ufologist and an erudite esotericist. I have mentioned him briefly in earlier blog entries. In 1976 I studied Theoretical Philosophy at Stockholm University and was very much occupied with the problem whether it was in accordance with scientific thought and intellectual integrity to accept, as a working hypothesis, the reality of a multiverse in an esoteric sense, although the information generally cannot be verified by traditional empirical data and research. Expressed in academic philosophical language I tried to understand the fundamental ontological and epistemological issues in relation to esoteric philosophy. In common language - what is reality and how do we acquire knowledge of reality?

Unexpected help with this problem came from a letter to the editor of Flying Saucer Review, February 1976, vol. 21, no. 5, titled UMMO again. It was written by Mr. T. Bryon Edmond, living in Chester, England. Here was a man who obviously was very well informed on both the UFO problem and esotericism, quoting authors such as John Keel, Meade Layne, Alice Bailey and Charles Leadbeater.

On April 26, 1976 I wrote a letter to Mr. Edmond, expressing my appreciation of his views and that I also in my research was ”trying to blend the scientific and esoteric approach to this fascinating subject” and was therefore ”searching for people to correspond with who are both, how shall I say, ufologists and esotericists.” On May 1, 1976 I received a very friendly, extensive, handwritten reply saying ”Your letter came as quite a pleasant surprise, and we certainly appear to think along the same lines.” Although I received only two extensive letters from Mr. Edmond, his ideas and theories had a seminal influence on my thinking and research.

Using the method of my old mentor, Riley Crabb, in his journal Round Robin, I will give a summary of some of the points we discussed in a clips, quotes and comments form, with digitized excerps from the letters of T. Bryon Edmond.

From FSR letter February 1976

This probably means that T. Bryon Edmond was not a formal member of the Theosophical Society and as he also quoted Alice Bailey a more adequate term for his worldview is esotericist. What he had discovered was that ”their teaching is relevant to our subject”. In the second letter to me he detailed some interesting biographical data and history regarding his esoteric studies.

Esotericism is of course hardly a respectable worldview even today, if you wish to be a part of the mainstream cultural and intellectual elite. But after both academic studies and many years of private reading of philosophy I have reached the same conclusion as T. Bryon Edmond. Esotericism is the only branch of philosophy worth studying. The Esoteric Tradition, the Ancient Wisdom, the knowledge of reality, the science of the multiverse or The Philosopher´s Stone is The philosophy par excellence.

This statement was a definite eye-opener to me. Finally a tenable philosophical attitude to esotericism acceptable to a scientific and critical mind. Later I found this, esotericism as a working hypothesis view, clearly formulated many times by Alice Bailey and Henry T. Laurency.

From FSR letter February 1976

This is a correct observation. John Keel was an excellent reporter and Fortean investigator but he was no esotericist and his taxonomy of entities in the multiverse is very simplistic and reduced to elementals. This was one of the reasons that Riley Crabb regarded him as a ”metaphysical illiterate”. But elementals are obviously sometimes reported as UFO entities. In my estimation the Väggarö encounter of October 1965, that I investigated, was most probably elementals.

This is a very interesting comment, that the advent of visitors from other planets was unforeseen even by the adepts or planetary guardians of earth, and consequently not mentioned in esoteric literature. Like T. Bryon Edmond I had in vain searched in many esoteric tomes looking for information about interplanetary visitors in our time. In The Coming of the Guardians Meade Layne concludes that none of the great occult Orders has anything to say regarding UFO phenomena.

It was not until a couple of years ago that I finally did find an answer to this question, by a renewed and detailed study of Alice Bailey`s The Externalisation of the Hierarchy. In this volume the Tibetan adept D.K. actually confirms that the coming of interplanetary assistance was an unforeseen event even by the planetary guardians. But being an oriental he unfortunately presents this information in somewhat cryptic and symbolic language, although the meaning becomes obvious when comparing his many statements, which I have noted in earlier blog entries. Interplanetary visitors came in large numbers during the Second World War to assist the planetary guardians in a critical period for mankind. The implications of these quotes are obvious:

April-May 1940: "Hovering today within the aura of our planet are certain great spiritual Forces and Entities, awaiting the opportunity to participate actively in the work of world redemption, re-adjustment and reconstruction.... the waiting extra-planetary Forces." (p. 222-223)

April 1943: "Certain great Energies of extra-planetary significance Who stand ready to intervene..." (p. 392).

T. Bryon Edmond, being an old British gentleman, I was naturally interested in learning how he, after a lifetime of study and searching, estimated our existential situation on this planet. As he was a longtime student of the Esoteric Tradition I was somewhat surprised by this honest reply.

From an esoteric viewpoint this estimation is basically correct. Life on this planet is full of pain and suffering. The Tibetan, in Alice Bailey´s books often refer to earth as the ”Star of suffering”, ”this woeful planet”, ”the unhappy little planet of suffering which we call Earth”, ”this planet of suffering, sorrow, pain and struggle” etc. But the reason for this appears to have eluded T. Bryon Edmond. The Esoteric Tradition makes it very clear the our planet is, in part, a penal colony, a sort of interplanetary Alcatraz. This means that evolution on earth is exceedingly hard and much more difficult compared to other planets. T. Bryon Edmond quotes the Tibetan in saying ”On no other planet in the solar system does the same degree of suffering and misery exist as on this globe.” To which Edmond adds this comment: ”Not a comforting philosophy – but I want the truth, not comfort”.

After the second letter from T. Bryon Edmond I heard no more. I wrote a couple of times in 1976 but as he was a very old man I suspected he had died. His two very extensive letters were a great help to me during the 1970s, especially since I received a long list of recommended literature. To this day I cherish the memory of my correspondent, friend and mentor.

Kelvin Rowe and the Esoteric Tradition

In the 1970s Timothy Good and Lou Zinsstag travelled around the United States interviewing several of the first generation UFO contactees. The interviews were taped and some years ago Timothy kindly sent me some of these transcipts, which I mentioned in my blog entry on Howard Menger. On August 22, 1976 they met and interviewed Kelvin Rowe and his wife. Rowe is not as generally well known as other contactees but was a frequent lecturer in the 1950s and 60s. He lectured at the Giant Rock Spacecraft Conventions 1957-1959. His book A Call at Dawn was published by Daniel Fry´s Understanding Publishing Co. in 1958.

I have advanced the theory that some of the original 1950s contactees were authentic and involved in a psychological, sociological test implemented by a group of benevolent visitors from somewhere, probably extraterrestrial. Involved in this test were a.o. George Adamski, George and Dorris Van Tassel, Orfeo Angelucci, Paul M. Vest, Eugene Drake, Daniel Fry and Howard Menger. Could Kelvin Rowe also have been a part of this test?

The story and experiences  told by Kelvin Rowe are in general the same as the other contactees. But Rowe was interested in flying saucers before his first contact and had met George Adamski and Truman Bethurum already in 1953. The first experience was by telepathy on March 9, 1954, as described in his book: ”I was on my way to San Bernardino, Calif., driving a Ford pick-up. I was thinking I would visit a friend of mine in Redlands on my way home, when the word Pluto popped up into my mind and was repeated three times. The words that followed were not too distinct at first, evidently due to my inexperience with and lack of understanding of the use of mental communication.” (p. 33)

Kelvin Rowe 1976, photo copyright Timothy Good

After eight months of many mental communications Rowe had his first physical contact with two ”Brothers”. ”They were fine looking men, with smooth, dark sun-tan complexions, and dark hair styled in longer length than our modern cuts… The iridescent material of their form-fitting garments, similar in style to our ski-suits, was unusually soft to the touch, firm but beautifully textured. (p. 135) After this first contact he met the space people frequently, either at home or was taken up in their space craft. According to Rowe he encountered both men and women and most of them came from Jupiter and Pluto.

Illustration from A Call at Dawn

During the interview in August 1976 Timothy Good and Lou Zinsstag asked Rowe some more details of his contacts: ”All the trips that I have made has been in the small craft. They have taken me to a small craft in a car, and then the car is left there on the ground, and someone else drives off with the car – there´ always one man left with it.”

”Lou: How many people are in them?
Kelvin: Generally five and six – on these small craft.
Tim: I don´t know if you´ve seen those particular pictures (Rodeffer TG), but that´s 27 ft according to NASA. Were yours of similar type of…
Kelvin: The ones I went on were just a little bit larger than that. But it would be in the same area…
Tim: They have these spheres underneath do they?
Kelvin: Well no, they didn´t have these landing gears of that type. But some of them do; I have seen them with that. But the ones that I was on, mostly they had one that after they were going to land – if they´re actually going to land – it would protrude down to touch the earth. But as I say they very seldom did that because when they once contact the earth then it takes more force for them to break lose. They generally just set there and hover…”

Like the other 1950s contactees Kelvin Rowe sometimes encounter the visitors, dressed as ordinary earth people, mingling in society. He also claims to have been taken to Mexico in their craft as well as below the oceans. In A Call at Dawn is mentioned that ”Our Brothers are operating on an entirely different frequency or spectrum than we are here as third dimensional beings.” (p. 111) Not very much has been written about Kelvin Rowe, nor has there, to my knowledge, been any in depth investigation of his claims. On the internet transcript of an interview that was made in March 1991 is published but it gives very little new information. I wrote a letter to Rowe in 1984 but received no answer.

The message from the space people, as presented in A Call at Dawn, is in general the same as coming from other contactees, but with one marked difference. Kelvin Rowe was deeply involved with the Brotherhood of the White Temple, situated in Sedalia, Colorado, founded by Maurice Doreal, real name Claude Dodgin. In the 1976 interview with Tim and Lou he relates: ” I have a doctor´s degree – but I got this from the Brotherhood of the White Temple. I studied for this. Now, this doctor´s degree I got gives me the right to teach philosophy and metaphysics but that´s all. It´s not a scientific degree of any kind and it´s not nothing to brag about or anything.”.

I his book Rowe claims that the space people suggested he study the material from this brotherhood. They even ”approved of it as being the highest source of Truth teachings aviable in the Western Hemisphere.” (p. 46) A call at Dawn is dedicated to ”Mr. George Adamski through whom I was led to realize the true reality of interplanetary visitors; and, to Dr. M Doreal whose teachings have shown me The Way.” Rowe´s book is full of quotes from various booklets written by Doreal and sometimes messages from space people are actually verbatim quotes from Doreal, although not mentioned, especially from his booklet Flying Saucers. An Occult Viewpoint, probably published in 1956.

This connection puts a great question mark on the claims and teachings of Kelvin Rowe. If he really met highly advanced space people they would never have referred him to Maurice Doreal, a very dubious character in the occult community. His claims and teachings are a travesty of the Esoteric Tradition. Noteworthy is this information from Borderland Sciences Research Associates who once asked the Inner Circle about Doreal: ”Concerning this Doreal. His claims are not true. Certainly, he has a large following. Do you remember two people who had a following even of millions, whose claims were false? (The Ballards). They gathered up the knowledge of many occult schools, they cast this knowledge forth upon the people with malice – and for gain. Yet well they knew what they were doing.” (Memoranda From the Mark P. Seances, no. 1, November 17, 1946. About this latter group, The I Am movement, created by Guy and Edna Ballard, The Tibetan D.K. made some harsh comments: ”It is this truth, misinterpreted and shockingly travestied, which lie behind the teaching anent the so-called Ascended Masters, put out by the leaders of the I Am movement”. (Alice Bailey, The Rays and the Initiations, p. 16).

The claims of Maurice Doreal are a strange mixture of esotericism and pulp magazine fantasy. In an 1946 interview for the Rocky Mountain News he stated: ”I saw atomic energy at work several years ago when the Dalai Lama of Tibet entered me into the Great White Lodge 75 miles under the Himalayas.” (Walter Kafton-Minkel, Subterranean Worlds, p. 155). When pressed about his travel claims he said he travelled through astral projection. In the Weekly Sermon Lesson for November 8, 1981 Doreal writes: ”In the astral plane certain entities, forces and powers live. It is there the throne of God is, - it is where the Holy City of the Book of Revelations is found… In the astral are the treasure-houses and there all things man does are indelibly recorded on the Akashic record.” These statements prove that Maurice Doreal is no esotericist but one of many occultists who have, in astral travel, totally misinterpreted his experiences in what esotericists clearly recognize as the plane of illusion.

In the 1940s Doreal was interviewed in several newspapers and magazines, sometimes photographed wearing gold robes, seated on a silver throne that he claimed was previously owned by Emperor Maximilian of Mexico. In 1946 Doreal made this prediction: ” The coming Avatar is now living in Tibet; he is a little over 15 years old. He was born in America, of American parents - and will make his appearance at high noon, May 2nd, 1956, at the corner of 42nd St. and Broadway, New York City. The sun will then be blotted out, but a golden rose-light will spread over everything; a great ray of two unknown colors will descend upon Him from the skies, and for 100 miles around, all sickness will be instantly healed.” (Round Robin, vol. 2, no. 7, July 1946, p. 18).

Although Maurice Doreal claimed there existed guardians from space, Kelvin Rowe must have been surprised by this revelation from Flying Saucers. An Occult Viewpoint: ”The flying saucers are a menace to civilization. Believe me, they are not the Venusians or Martians who are coming here to have friendly relations with earth, regardless of what some of the books tell you. I am not saying there hasn´t been anyone riding in them but it hasn´t been anyone in this country.” (p. 36). According to Doreal these flying saucers were manned by the serpent people who could change their appearance to look like ordinary people: "These Serpent People had a body like a man though covered with thin scales and the head of a great snake. They had the power to cause that head to assume human form in the likeness of anyone that they wished". (p. 41)

With this complicated background how are we to interpret the claims and experiences of Kelvin Rowe? At the first international convention of Amalgamated Flying Saucer Clubs of America in 1959 Rowe lectured on "My 350 Trips Into Space". Hardly a trustworthy claim unless he meant astral travels, like his mentor Doreal. To Timothy Good and Lou Zinsstag he appeared sincere. As far as I know there are no witnesses to his contacts nor any photographs of space ships. We only have his story. As he met George Adamski before his first contacts could he simply have been an Adamski copycat, who used the contactee platform to spread the Doreal teachings he believed in? Or was he an authentic contactee, involved in the visitor´s psychological test, but made a personal mixture of messages from the visitors and his occult beliefs? His book is filled with messages of goodwill and philosophy, often in accordance with the Esoteric Tradition. Perhaps further research by American investigators can find clues to the enigma of Kelvin Rowe.

Through the Curtain

Dr. Shafica Karagulla (1914-1986) was a well known psychiatrist and medical doctor  with a vast research background in many countries.  Early in her professional career  she had made an in depth study of hallucinations reported by patients with temporal lobe epilepsy. In the introduction to the remarkable book Through the Curtain she writes that ”the research had led me to believe that all of man´s experiences were limited to the physical brain and the five senses”.  Karagulla had since 1930 been a close friend of Viola Petitt Neal, poet, writer and student of the Esoteric Tradition. Neal had obtained a doctorate of Philosophy (Ph.D.) from London University writing a thesis on the secret religions of the Middle East.

In 1956 Viola Petitt Neal challenged the skeptical Shafica Karagulla to read books by Helena P. Blavatsky, Alice Bailey and Edgar Cayce. ”But how was one to classify such experiences, for they were not included in my training?”, comments Karagulla. Neal further revealed to her friend that she had for many years been in contact with one of the adepts (Masters) or Planetary Guardians (Spiritual Hierachy) of our planet. Neal regularly attended what she called Night Classes by various adepts.
Karagulla is stunned by this confidential disclosure and as a researcher of the human mind ask for some verification of Neal´s experiences. As a test Karagulla is allowed to question Neal during sleep when she is attending night classes and also to tape record the sessions: ”The following morning I would try to see if she could recall the class which I had taped the night before. To my utter amazement she was able to recall the lecture which she had attended while asleep, almost verbatim, as the tape confirmed.” This research and documentation  went on secretly for twenty years and the result was published in Through the Curtain, published in 1983. After the death of Viola Petitt Neal in 1981 Shafica Karagulla was permitted to reveal the secret life of her friend. A Swedish edition of Through the Curtain, Nattlektioner, was published in 1992 by esotericist Lars Adelskogh.

Information on night classes was given by the Tibetan adept D.K. in the first volume published by Alice Bailey, Initiation Human and Solar (1922): ”Classes are held by initiates of the first and second degrees for accepted disciples and those on probation, between the hours of ten and five every night in all parts of the world… They gather in the Hall of Learning and the method is much the same as in the big Universities, - classes at certain hours, experimental work, examinations, and a gradual moving up and onward as the tests are passed.” (64-65) ”Disciples are taught in groups in the Masters´s ashram, or classroom, at night, if in incarnation.” (p. 69)

The night classes published in Through the Curtain were recorded between 1960-1980. The lessons cover a wide range of subjects but are divided into ten main headings such as extrasensory perception, science, education in the future, crystals, planetary types. The teaching presented is generally in accordance with information published by Helena Blavatsky, Alice Bailey and Henry T. Laurency. But there is some new and controversial data on extraterrestrial visitors that I have not found in other esoteric sources.

On May 11, 1962 Viola Petitt Neal is informed in a night class that ”Very definitely, there are space people who come and go on your planet.  Some of these are very constructive, as those from Mars and Venus. Some are destructive.” (p. 280) In several chapters details are given about a group of evil and destructive space people originating from Pluto: ”During the fifth sub-race (Atlantis-HB), Plutonians came en masse and invaded the planet earth… (p. 235) The Plutonian invasion was both by a type of spaceship and by simply incarnating in this human life wave on the planet… (p. 242) ”The Planet Pluto, the invader planet, eighth sphere, within our solar system, constitutes an integrated and hard core of evil… (p. 231) ”Plutonians came to the planet earth to invade and exploit and take over.” (p.233).

To my knowledge this detailed information about Pluto and Plutonians has never been mentioned in any of the classic books on esotericism. The Tibetan D.K. only says that ”The destructive power of the first ray, focussed in Pluto, brings change, darkness and death.” (Bailey, Esoteric Astrology, p. 187). In UFO contactee literature we find a few references to Pluto. In My Contact With Flying Saucers, the controversial Brazilian contactee Dino Kraspedon (Aladino Felix) is told regarding space people from Pluto that ”… they are dangerous beings, and any instances of saucers doing harm to people on Earth can be attributed to them”. (p. 191) Riley Crabb, director of Borderland Sciences Research Foundation (BSRF) 1959-1985 often in his comments on various contactee issues referred to ”the Men in Black, Plutoids from the Mafia of the Solar System”. (The Journal of Borderland Research, vol. 27, no. 3, May-June 1971 p. 5) Afficionados of the supernatural in horror fiction may also have noticed that H.P. Lovecraft in his novel The Whisperer in Darkness, published in 1931, mention non-human extraterrestrial invaders from Pluto, called Yuggoth by Lovecraft. If we accept this information the contact claims of Kelvin Rowe become dubious. As I noted in my former blog entry Rowe said one of his space contacts came from Pluto. If you are an esotericist the only way to deal with conflicting statements like these is to use discrimination and an open mind. As UFO investigator the interesting if true attitude is the best.

There is some very interesting information about Shafica Karagulla in Ingo Swann´s autobiography Remote viewing. The Real Story. An Autobiographical memoir (1996). Karagulla became sort of a spiritual mentor to Swann as described in chapter 40: ”You see, Shafia was to become one of my three major advisors regarding international affairs of the type that never get mentioned in the media, science, academe, or mentioned even by conspiracy enthusiasts… She also knew about how almost all of the world´s intelligence agencies operated – those agencies known to exist, AND those which exist but are not known or even admitted to by anyone and don´t even have names.”

Karagulla´s knowledge and advice was certainly welcome to Swann as he in 1975-1977 became involved with a secret intelligence organization described as the Axelrod incident. The story of how Swann helped this group with remote viewing is told in his book Penetration. The Question of Extraterrestrial and Human Telepathy (1998). Mr. Axelrod confirmed to Swann that his organization was aware of and were trying to deal with extraterrestrial intruders in their own way: ”Well, I guess you guys, whoever you are, have a problem, and from all I can tell, Earth in under some kind of siege. UFOs appear everywhere, are seen by thousands. Yet they are illusive, but of concern, so you are trying to fit the pieces together. And I would suppose too, that you are desperate, enough at least to try to employ psychics to help you out.
You see, Axel laughed. I don´t have to tell you anything, do I”.

Ingo Swann had, together with two intelligence operatives, observed a very unusual woman in a Hollywood supermarket. His psychic sensitivity indicated that this woman was an ET and dangerous. At a dinner later with Shafica Karagulla and Viola Petitt Neal the discussion entered the problem of ET groups infiltrating Earth. Without Swann mentioning the Axelrod incident he got these comments:
”Viola: There are a lot of THEM, you know, and many are bio-androids.
Shafica: They´re dangerous, you know, and they realize that Earth psychics are their only enenies. Be careful, Ingo, be careful”

This information can be compared with what John Keel wrote in a confidential letter to Jim and Coral Lorenzen July 18, 1967. It was during this time Keel became involved with and personally encountered the Men In Black: ”The people I am concerned with are Androids… manufactured entities controlled by a distant and unknown master.. They are not composed of living cells as we are, and do not grow old… MIB represent a very large terrestrial group who are allied with a very hostile UFO group… There are people in government who know about these things. I have their names and know what is going on… this is not a scientific or military problem… There is no need for the public to know everything”.

I do have some sympathy for the scientific, mainstream ufologists who shun away from this kind of research and data and year after year struggle on with ordinary UFO observations. Playing on the safe side so to speak. But my 40+ years involvement with the UFO enigma has made me aware of that you must dare to knock on some doors usually not even recognized by mainstream scientists and academics. That´s why I admire heretic and iconoclastic investigators like Jacques Vallee, John Keel, Riley Crabb or Ingo Swann, to name a few.

Entering the mirror world of intelligence organizations, conspiracies and esotericism is not for everyone. And once there you may wish to go back to the safe world of everyday reality. In this respect I am reminded of a fascinating quote from Norman Mailer´s famous novel An American Dream: ” I decided the only explanation is that God and the Devil are very attentive to the people at the summit. I don´t know if they stir much in the average man´s daily stew, no great sport for spooks, I would suppose… There´s nothing but magic at the top. It´s the little secret a few of us keep to ourselves, but that, my friend, is one reason it´s not very easy to get to the very top. Because you have to be ready to deal with One or the Other, and that´s too much for the average good man on his way. Sooner or later, he decides to be mediocre, and put up with the middle.” (An American Dream, The Dial Press, New York 1965, p. 246).

Sven Magnusson, a unique voice in Swedish cultural history

My wife Margaretha and I are often visiting the town of our birth, Karlstad, beautifully situated by the river Klarälven. Strolling in the charming old city we usually pass a house with the adress Östra Kanalgatan 18. This place was for many years the home and editorial office of Sven Magnusson (1930-2008), author and editor of the Swedish magazine Sökaren (The Seeker) 1964-2008. For more than 40 years his magazine published serious articles on alternative spirituality, UFOs, paranormal phenomena, parapsychology, healing, philosophy and religion.

Östra Kanalgatan 18, Karlstad. Sven Magnusson´s mother Hildur in the window. Photo by Sven 1978.

Sven Magnusson as teenager

Sven Magnusson was born in Karlstad 1930. As a teenager he observed a UFO in the Summer of 1946, the year of the Swedish Ghost Rockets. He commented on this incident in his magazine Sökaren 1996: ”I was sitting at a window in an office, rather bored, when suddenly I had the feeling that something was going to happen. Looking out of the window I observed a small round object passing across the sky at high speed… The object was not luminous. I got up and watched through the window how the object disappeared among the clouds. At home I told my mother of the incident. She had also observed the object when out in the garden… I can´t find any natural explanation to my observation. At the time I believed it could have been a craft from another world.”

Sven Magnusson 1964

As a young man Sven moved to Stockholm, working as a clerk in various companies. It was here his spiritual quest began and he read everything he could find on UFOs, parapsychology, spiritualism, healing etc. During evenings and weekends he visited various religious and spiritual groups: Mormons, Baptists, Salvation Army, Christian Science, Theosophists, Rosicrucians and many other organizations in the Stockholms area. Sven became a member of the one of the first UFO societies, Ifologiska Sällskapet and read all the classic contactee books by George Adamski, Daniel Fry and others. During these years he also became a vegetarian. After many visits to spiritualist mediums he became rather disillusioned with the simple messages and was instead attracted by oriental philosophy, especially as presented by Paramhansa Yogananda in his book Autobiography of a Yogi.

As Sven Magnusson was fond of writing he began formulating ideas for a new magazine, covering his own interests. After a short period of skepticism he renewed his spiritual quest and founded the Magazine Sökaren (The Seeker) in 1964, ”much as a form of personal therapy”. With no journalistic experience the beginning was hard and demanding, economically as well as practically. But with idealism and tenacity Sven succeeded in recruiting many of the best writers on philosophy, religion, parapsychology, UFOs, New Age and also authors from the mainstream cultural elite like Alf Ahlberg and Werner Aspenström,  Even the conservative, Catholic writer Sven Stolpe expressed in 1976 his admiration for the somewhat heretic magazine: ”Sökaren is a serious and fine magazine, excellently edited by Sven Magnusson. He is interested in parapsychology, unusual psychic experiences, the borderland of science and the possibilities of higher and more profound knowledge.”

The first issue of Sökaren 1964
From very humble beginnings Sökaren´s circulation increased and by 1975 the magazine received an annual grant from KulturrådetThe Swedish Arts Council. This made it possible for Sven Magnusson to work full time as editor. The income was still very meager but Sven was a vegetarian and lived a simple, almost ascetic life in his small apartment. This simple life was no problem as he loved his work. In the 1970s several freelance writers published their articles in Sökaren. I was one of them. Sven also bought and translated high quality articles from many foreign magazines.

Sven Magnusson at his home and office 1977

Sökaren reached its circulation peak in the beginning of the 1980s, with 3.000+ subscribers. Sven Magnusson published articles both by skeptics and ”believers”, something he was often criticized for. The open debate and dialogue between opponents was an important policy and Sven had the, today unfortunately not so common, tolerance of other views than his own. During my rabulist, secular humanist period I wrote several very critical articles in Sökaren which resulted in a suggestion that I should be banned from publishing. Although at that time my views were definitely not in line with Svens` personal philosophy he defended me officially with this short sentence: ”Håkan Blomqvist will continue writing in Sökaren”.

In 1982 Sven Magnusson moved back to Karlstad, combining editorial office with his home at Östra Kanalgatan 18. During the 1980s he was now and then interviewed by the local newspapers as it was regarded as somewhat unusual that a specialized magazine had a larger circulation than one of the local newspapers, Karlstads-Tidningen, which then had 2.800 subscribers compared to Sökarens´ 2.950. When the amount of subscribers decreased in the 1990s Sven for a couple of years merged his magazine with the more popularly oriented publishing company Energica. But the more market oriented ideology of Energica did not appeal to Sven who wanted a more intellectual, quality magazine and the cooperation ended in 1994. In his editorial he wrote: ”Too me the spiritual quest is something deeply serious. I cannot and will not make popular journalism of this searching”.

Besides his editorial and publishing venture Sven wrote several books on alternative religions, the new age movement, paranormal experiences and UFOs. Books that received favourable comments in the press and can be found in most libraries in Sweden. He was deeply fascinated by the UFO enigma and corresponded with ufologists and contactees around the world, Daniel Fry, Ray and Rex Stanford, Allen Hynek, Jerome Clark and John Keel.

Sven Magnusson in 1996

Sökaren was often regarded as the voice of the New Age-movement in Sweden but it was not an uncritical and naive forum. Instead Sven Magnusson traced the new age ideas to philosophers and psychologists like Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Carl Gustav Jung and Abraham Maslow. As editor he wanted to present the more profound and intellectual new age ideas and was critical of the popular, mass market new age underground with its unfounded claims and focus on money and easily attained happiness. 

The last issue of Sökaren published by Sven in 2008

In his personal lifeview Sven was the eternal seeker. He was both open minded and critical, referring to himself as an agnostic, attracted by Vedanta philosophy and the ideas of unity mysticism. Although he didn´t define himself as an esotericist he often wrote about Theosophy and the Ancient Wisdom. Convinced that we live in a much larger reality, a multiverse, his life and publishing venture was a one man crusade against the reductionist, materialist worldview which he constantly challenged with new intriguing data from the Forbidden Sciences. Sökaren influenced a whole generation seekers and investigators and represented a unique voice in Swedish cultural history.

I leave the last word to the bold, wise and humble philosopher from Karlstad as expressed in his magazine Sökaren 1996:
”Ignorance is natural. We are not born with knowledge. But you can enter a wise journey of seeking, listening to knowledgeable and critical persons, reading good literature and not naively accepting everything. Choosing a wise journey of seeking is to increase your knowledge, sharpening your reasoning ability and after in depth study leave the views who are not grounded in experience and reason. The critical mind is the number one instrument for the seeker.”

Empirical evidence in the Richard Höglund case

In the American magazine UFO Report 1977, John Keel wrote a very interesting article, The Contactee Key, presenting some of his conclusions and advice from several years of field investigation. He noted the great mistake made by the early UFO organizations, APRO and NICAP,  in regarding all contactees as hoaxers and consequently missing a lot of valuable data: ”Had these groups applied some fundamental logic to the situation they might have realized their approach was wrong… By publicly dissociating themselves from the contactees, the early ufologists left this fruitful aspect entirely in the hands of the government.” (UFO-Report, vol. 4, no. 4, August 1997).

John Keel (in the middle) during his visit to Sweden 1976

What John Keel discovered during his field investigations was that some contactees were actually genuine and did encounter visitors from somewhere and that this aspect of the UFO enigma required a different approach than ordinary mainstream UFO research. Jacques Vallee, in his Messengers of Deception, let the character Major Murphy define this problem facing ufologists: ”What makes you think UFOs are a scientific problem?... science has certain rules. For example it has to assume that the phenomenon it is observing is natural in origin rather than artificial and possibly biased. Now, the UFO phenomenon could be controlled by alien beings. If it is, added the Major, then the study of it doesn´t belong in science. It belongs in Intelligence. Meaning counter espionage.” (p. 68).

During my many years of contactee investigation I discovered that in a few physcial contactee cases there was independent or circumstial evidence that the contactee really was meeting ”strangers”, whoever they were. Lou Zinsstag found this out regarding George Adamski and ufologist Ted Bloecher changed his mind on contactees when he discovered a similar situation in the Woodrow Derenberger case.

Based on these experiences what I find rather frustrating in mainstream UFO research, at least in Sweden,  is the large amount of time spent by field investigators on ordinary UFO observations and misidentifications. In my view a complete waste of time and money that will never solve the UFO enigma. I have for years tried, without much success, to convince active ufologists in Sweden to forget misidentifications and reports with very little empirical data and concentrate one hundred percent on close encounters and contact cases. My advice is as ever, try to be more of a UFO detective or intelligence agent than investigator of lights in the sky.

One of the most intriguing and complicated UFO contacts I have ever investigated is the Richard Höglund case, summarized by Timothy Good in his latest book Earth - An Alien Enterprise. I will not repeat the summary here as you can find the case here and on several of my blogentries. But I would like to give a few details of the circumstancial evidence indicating a genuine contact.

Richard Höglund

1.  Disappearance of kidney stones.
Richard claimed to have been healed from his kidney troubles with an instrument placed on his back during the first contact on December 9, 1965. The pain left him instantly when the alien visitor held an instrument to his back. There were x-rays taken both before and after this incident. I received written statements from three medical doctors involved with the x-rays. They confirmed that no stone was visible on the plates after December 9, 1965, but there is a possibility that the stones could have left the body in a natural way. According to one of the doctors, Karl Erik Swenson,  the later plates after the incident seems to indicate a man who never had any kidney stones.

Karl Erik Swenson M.D. Richard´s physician

2. Telephone interference
Two of Richard´s friends Gösta and Sture Johansson many times experienced strange telephone problems talking to Richard. Often when Gösta Johansson called Richard on the phone, the line was broken and a harsh voice simply said ”it is wrong”, always the same voice. Sometimes when talking on the phone a clicking sound was heard and then Richard became very nervous and wanted to end the conversation. Once the clicking sounds could be heard after the conversation had ended and the phone was dead. Then a call came and when Gösta answered the same voice only said ”it is wrong”. Gösta Johansson was convinced that Richard´s phone was tapped.

Gösta Johansson 1986

3. Invisible entities
Once on the Bahamas Richard was sitting on a bench talking with one of his alien visitors. Some people are passing by and suddenly Richard find himself talking aloud alone and the visitor is gone. He felt very embarrassed of the situation. Obviously the aliens could make themselves invisible. In the beginning of the 1970s the couple Sture and Turid Johansson become involved with Richard´s activities. On a Monday evening around midnight when the couple have gone to bed Turid is awakened by the sound of their front door opening and someone walking around with heavy steps in the apartment. Believing she has forgotten to lock the door Turid goes up only to find the door closed and no one there. She goes to bed again and then the heavy steps are heard once more, like someone is walking around in the rooms. She wakes up her husband. They look for some intruder to no avail and after a while no footsteps are heard.
During a telephone conversation with Richard a few days later Turid mention the name Var de Cartino, the name of one of the alien visitors. Richard answers: ”Yes he was here for three days and he visited you one evening and said you had a nice apartment”. Then Richard gives a detailed description of Sture and Turid´s apartment, although he had never been there.

Richard Höglund in Nassau, Bahamas

4. Travels
Richard was often gone from home, sometimes for months. He claimed that the space people picked him up in their craft, often visiting the base hidden in the Bahamas and also Mexico. Richard complained once to Gösta Johansson that he was not allowed by his contacts to visit the Olympic Games in Mexico in 1968. Gösta noticed that sometimes in the middle of the Winter he found Richard with a deep suntan when he returned to Sweden. Richard was a retired rock blaster with very little money. He couldn´t  have gone on regular flights around the world based on his meager income.

5. Gunvor Höglund´s Bahamas encounter
Richard´s wife Gunvor was not allowed to participate in the meetings with the alien visitors but she observed them many times when they came to their home. But once, at a restaurant in Nassau, Bahamas, she was introduced to one of Richard´s contacts: ”It was a small and crowded premise. Richard recognized one of his contacts and they came to our table. I watched this man and he looked at me.. He had a brown suit, a sort of suntan, not very tall and rather thin, a southern look in appearance. And he wasn´t very tall. My God, I thought, your suit is too large. He greeted me but we didn´t shake hands… His gaze was very intense and hypnotic. He smoked and left the rest of the cigarette on the table and then went away. I saved the cigarette butt as evidence.”

Gunvor Höglund

6. Reluctant contactee
Richard was a reluctant contactee. He was given no message but ordered to start a Peace Movement in Sweden. This failed and he was reprimanded because other contactees had succeeded in founding organizations that made a lot of money. Richard didn´t trust the alien visitors and noticed that they were not of high morals. He was actually afraid of them but felt compelled to continue working for them. From a psychological viewpoint his thoughts and reactions are interesting, speaking in favor of a genuine contact.

When investigating contactee cases like Richard Höglund it is important to be aware of different alternatives in interpretation and try to find corroborative evidence supporting the claims. In my book on the Höglund case I presented several possibilities: The contact claims as a cover story for criminal activity or espionage, a hoax for making money from gullible followers, fictional story as a result of drug abuse, mystic visionary experiences with no physical evidence, the contactee a mental case, mythmaker or fantasy prone personality. During one period Richard´s friends, Sture and Turid Johansson, speculated that because of his many travels, he was a courier in the international drug trade, but they later came to accept his contacts as genuine.

When ufologists become involved in contactee cases like this the advice and experiences of John Keel and Jacques Vallee will prove invaluable. This is a world very different from investigating and documenting misinterpretations of Venus and airplanes.  

Who are these people?

Writing in Ivan T. Sanderson´s magazine Pursuit1991, American UFO investigator R. Perry Collins presents a group of very intriguing and controversial close encounter cases. (Unseen, Unspoken, Unknown, vol. 22, no. 1, First Quarter 1991, pp. 28-32). Observations of UFOs landing and normal looking people leaving the craft to enter parked cars or cars lowered from the UFO.  The British Blue John case of 1963 is one example, though not mentioned by Collins in his article. He definitely has a point in his initial remark that ”There are aspects of the UFO situation which are completely unrecognized by the public and generally ignored even among those people intrigued by the subject.” 

One of the select examples documented by Collins was reported to him by a newspaperman on the Miami Herald staff. No date is given.  ”In a town near Miami, Florida, the owner of a small supermarket was closing for the evening when he noticed a large, dark UFO hovering low over a field at the rear of his building. He immediately called the police and within minutes a cruiser arrived. Two officers stepped out and the owner hurriedly took them to the rear door where all three men clearly saw the object hovering less than fifty feet over a nearby field. As they watched the object began lowering two large cylinders to the ground below. Both cylinders landed and began splitting open and ”dissolving” at the same time. One continued a large Sedan. The other contained several men, dressed in business suits, carrying briefcases. Within minutes the two cylinders had completely disappeared and the UFO had moved off into the evening sky.  The men got into the Sedan and drove off the field, onto a nearby road and away.”

The next case is from Puerto Rico ufologist Jorge Martin´s book Evidencia OVNI. The observation occurred in the afternoon, March 1992 at El Cayul Sierra Bermeja, Puerto Rico:
”A man out testing a new video camera in an isolated wooded area suddenly caught sight of a flash of light overhead. He hid behind some bushes as he saw a small silvery disc-shaped object land in a clearing on three leg-like supports. A section of the object resembling an elevator was lowered to the ground and a door opened. Two short 4-foot tall beings then emerged from inside the object. The beings had gray skin and had large heads and large black eyes. They wore gray colored one-piece suits. They looked around for a few moments then re-entered the object only to emerge a few minutes later this time accompanied by a tall human, very pale and thin. He had short platinum-blond hair and wore a pair of dark sunglasses. He also wore a new black suit and pants with a white shirt and a red tie. The tall human looked around and walked towards a nearby path there he was met by two soldiers in a military jeep. He sat in the jeep and it then drove away disappearing into the woods. The two short humanoids then entered the disc-shaped object, which then shot, away into the sky at high speed.”

Similar cases like these are documented in the books by Dr. Ardy Sixkiller Clarke. The encounters experienced by the witness called Leland are especially fascinating. (Encounters With Star People, Chapter 6, They are among us). He describes what has happened during several nights at his ranch near the Nebraska border: ”They come at night. They hover over the field. They lower automobiles to the ground. They´re filled with people. The craft goes away and when the car returns the next night, only the driver returns. They take the car and the driver on board their spacecraft and then they´re gone again.”

Leland especially remember one night when he noticed that the car had a flat tire. The driver got out and walked to Leland´s cabin. ”He was a strange looking fellow… He wore a black suit with a white shirt and kept pulling at his necktie like he was not used to wearing it. He avoided looking at me so I never got a good look at his face, but he had a short thick neck. Almost no neck. Like his head sat directly at his shoulders. Maybe that´s why he struggled with the necktie. He just stood there. I got the feeling he wanted me to follow him”.

Leland follows the man and find three men and two women waiting in the car. None of them spoke. Leland help them change the tire and for this work he receives ten real silver dollars. Asked by Ardy Sixkiller Clarke what makes him think they are not humans his comment is: ”Well, they came in a spacecraft for one thing. They weren´t friendly. None of them spoke to me. They acted strange. Like they were scared or they didn´t belong here. The women were wearing those high heel shoes and had trouble walking in them like they had never worn them before.” As an indian Leland is familiar with stories of Star People but he is intrigued by these aliens who do not appear to be of the Star People group. ”These star travellers are different. They´re not our ancestors. They´re here for another reason.”

The man described by Leland has a certain resemblance to the mysterious Ben Austin, who invited Anna and her husband to dinner in Guatemala 1959. He obviously had an organic physical body as he enjoyed an ordinary dinner together with the couple. In my interview with Anna she gave a description of Ben Austin:

Håkan: Did Ben Austin work at the same company as your husband?
Anna: No, not at all and what would such a person be doing out there in the bush? He said he was keeping an eye on what humanity was doing. I believe he had this place as some sort of station or base. He was small, shorter than me. Maybe 150 centimenter, stocky and heavily built, not nice looking. He wasn´t fat but muscular. He was courteous and companionable. His hair was dark, more brown that black and no beard.

Håkan: What nationality did he look like?
Anna: Well, I asked about his nationality and he didn´t answer but claimed he had a Scottish passport. I asked how he got it? Well, he said, if we can build flying saucers we can also arrange such small details. As for Scotland he said: I have some difficulties with languages and there are so many Scottish dialects... We are checking what humanity is doing so you don´t set this planet on fire or other stupidities as this would make problems for us... When he spoke I don´t know why I felt this terrible fear. My whole being indicated that something is wrong here.

Håkan: You mentioned that he wasn´t beautiful. Did he have any physical defects?
Anna: No. He was dressed in a white shirt. You know in the tropics when you are invited for dinner they use a tie. His neck was not long and his hair short but I noticed he had beautifully formed ears. Well-groomed but his skin colour was not nice. Not as dark as the Indians of Guatemala but rather as a suntanned white person. But the tan didn´t look healthy under that brown colour.”

Trying to present some sort of taxonomy of alien visitors, based on contactee cases is difficult and speculative. The original group of benevolent visitors who contacted George Adamski, George Van Tassel, Howard Menger a.o. was probably extraterrrestrials but not from our part of the physical multiverse. We also have the small humanoids, sometimes associated with normal looking aliens. These small entities are in many cases obviously robots or androids used to perform various duties and menial work. But who are the people encountered by Leland and Anna? They are physical like us and most probably earth-based. If this is the case, where is their hiding place on this planet? Could some covert intelligence group have discovered who these people are and trying to deal with the issue in their own way?

Very few of the scientific mainstream ufologists try to uncover the truth in these controversial area. In his article R. Perry Collins comments on this situation: ”The facts that such reports are very seldom submitted and are scarce in the literature indicates that such direct activities are usually carried out in a completely covert manner. These reports do exist, however, and we must consider them in any complete analysis of the UFO situation.”

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